
Started by EgonOlsen, April 10, 2008, 11:08:22 PM

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Quote from: paulscode on April 15, 2008, 03:40:30 AM
Quote from: fireside on April 15, 2008, 03:29:48 AM
not to mention congress or the Presidency, which also have no idea how to balance a budget.  Maybe no one in America knows how to balance a budget.  I'm not really sure anymore.
I have the solution!  Kidnap congress and the Presidency and replace them with simulated versions rendered in jPCT!! ;D

That would be great. Let us program the simulation, and the country will run perfectly! Since, our fine leaders continue to put money into who knows what.


Quote from: fireside on April 15, 2008, 04:20:08 AM
By the way, Egon, if you need some low poly models and you have some ideas, I do that kind of thing.  Only thing is I have to export 3ds key frames in Blender.  The mouse in Labyrinth Z is one example and I can post some more if you want to see some of the stuff I do.  I don't offer very often, but being you made the engine, I figure it's worth it.
I think i'll go with the snorks for now and maybe add an option to load custom md2-files. However, a crate would be cool. Basically, just a simple box but with some nice textures and an animation if it gets destroyed by an explosion. So that the crate collapses or something. It shouldn't look like an explosion of its own but it should somehow visualize that the crate has been destroyed and it should look reasonable to remove the crate entirely after the animation has been played once. That would be cool... ;D


O.K.  The animation will be fun, I'll see what I can do about a texture.  I'll try to do something that fits with your screen shot.  Would the explosion come from the inside or the outside?  I'm sort of picturing a more or less intact bottom of the crate with some jagged edges for a final.  Would the explosion be particle or something, so something I wouldn't be concerned with?
click here->Fireside 7 Games<-


The explosion comes from the outside and doesn't have to be part of the animation. Just the destruction of the crate. The crate has to be quite low poly, because there will be many of them in the level.


i love BomberMan too, can't wait to see the adapted version ;)


OK.  The way I would do it is to have a crate, this could have edges or not, up to you.  Without edges it could have as few as eight vertices and use textured edges, etc.  Then during an explosion it would be replaced by a somewhat higher poly model which would fly off into little pieces and then be deleted at the end of the animation so the space was clear where it was.  The pieces would just about have to fly off in all directions, but they would need to be three dimensional or if they turned a certain way they would disappear, so I might need about 200 vertices for that.  You could make it so one side fit a texture, that way you could change textures for variety. You could also have the pieces only fly off in three directions if you knew the placement of the bomb from the box.
click here->Fireside 7 Games<-


Replacing the model during explosion with a detailed one and making the pieces fly away from the impact side sounds great.... ;D


Would it be better to have the pieces be separate objects in the 3ds file for the animation, or one object?
click here->Fireside 7 Games<-


One would be better. I'll merge them anyway.


Dummy crates are in...with no animation but you can already destroy them with the bombs.


O.K.  I have no idea how this is going to work out.  I'm going to do about six key frames with texture uv's covering one side of the crate.  If I moved too far with my mouse animation it turned into a mess so I'm just completely guessing and I'm not sure what happens with location either.  I'll zip them and leave the address.  If it doesn't work out, I got some experience anyway.  There won't be a texture, just uv coordinates.
click here->Fireside 7 Games<-


click here->Fireside 7 Games<-


Cool, thanks. I hope i manage it somehow to try it this weekend.


The download link doesn't seem to work.... ???


Oh, I thought you had it already so I deleted it.  I'll see if I can get it back up.


You can get it here.
click here->Fireside 7 Games<-