
Started by EgonOlsen, September 21, 2008, 11:11:41 PM

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I tried those kind of controls on the iPhone once...i don't like them. I's the best you can do for a touch screen based device and it's impressive and all, but it still sucks. I'm constantly fighting the controls instead of fighting the enemies. As you can see in the second video, the cross-hair locks onto enemies if you come close. Simply because otherwise, you wouldn't be able to hit anything. In addition, these controls work only for relatively slow paced games. It's impossible to play a fast paced game that way IMHO...and Robombs' gameplay is based on speed.
For first and third person games, there's only one way to own: Mouse and keyboard! Virtual joysticks and game pads are just not made for this task IMHO. But that's just me...millions of people are playing GTA 4 with a game pad...something that i consider to be impossible or at least very very painful.


I love a lot of these game for android... control method is only on habit, I ever turn off aim assist, because I dont like it... currently I am working on FPS game for android :)...


It's realy good, but I found same little bad things(I thought).
1. I think you turn to slow if you move the mouse.
2. The skull spwan to often. I can't entre rooms becaus they in all doors

All the other things are greate.


Sorry my English is very bad.


You can adjust mouse sensivity in the options dialog by clicking on 'show options' in the startup window.  Items, including skulls, don't spawn. Their distribution is fixed in a level. Those skulls blocking the passages are doing so by design. Afterall, skulls are not always bad. You have 40% chance of getting a speedup when collecting them.


Would it be possible to strip out all the graphical menus at the start of the game to leave a command line version of the server?


Egon, what tool did you use to wrap game and JRE into a windows installer? would you suggest it?


It's not only an installer, it's a native compiler and installer:

I bought a license during a charity campaign where they sold it for $10. There's a free version too IRRC, i just don't know the limitations.

And yes, i recommend it. Java has a pretty bad reputation these days amoung end users, so it's best to hide it as much as possible...


quite a discount, the minimum price is $1.200 at the moment :D

I'm on linux at the moment, so I can only inspect executable zip version. did you also use Ahead-Of-Time compiler on installer version, does it make any significant difference?


Yes, the installer for Windows is using JET. Performance is on par with the JVM. Some things are faster, some are slower. In the end, the differences are neglectable.