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A Wiki!

Started by EgonOlsen, April 03, 2009, 10:02:45 PM

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We now have a Wiki. I'm still not sure why... ;) Anyway, here it is:

It's pretty empty right now. To edit it, you have to be registered. Feel free to do so and do what you think you have to do. Some people requested a Wiki so i guess they know what to do...


Great.  Mainly I think it's for user made tutorials, and code snippets.  I'm kind of consumed trying to find a bug in my game so give me a little bit before I do something in it.  I know I asked so I'll definitely be putting material up there.
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I tried to create an account, but I got a socket error.  Also, I think maybe a sticky in the support section with the wiki address would be good idea.  I don't see any other links besides this one in the forum area.  Of course, there's nothing to see yet, but it might help for people adding material also.  I think I'm going to add a tutorial on loading 3ds models from Blender for starters.
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Please try now. There seems to be a problem with captcha, so i've disabled it for now. I'll look for another one that works on the server only and doesn't need a connection to some other machine.

Edit: I've replaced the captcha will a simpler one. I'm not sure if this will help much, but it's worth a try. I'll add an official link to the wiki once it has a little more content.


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Hmm.  How does it work?  I can't see any difference between pages that link to nothing and pages that link to another page.  For instance "Hello World" is in double brackets and so is "Loading models", but one leads to another page and one doesn't.   
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That's just because i started to write the page for Hello World but i didn't start with Loading Models yet. Once you start editing Loading Models, the page will be there.


How do you paste code? 
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There's a code tag: <code>blahblah</code>

The code should have a gray background, but with the current default skin (Modern), it doesn't. But you can always change the skin in the preferences. The actual default after installation was MonoBook, which is what Wikipedia uses...which is why i changed it... ;)


It works, kind of, but it leaves a bunch of separate boxes and some lines are combined and don't have a background. 
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Have you tried the MonoBook-skin? If it's better with that, i can make it default again.


It looks a little better, but it still doesn't seem to be ignoring all the control characters or something.  Anyway, it gets the idea across.
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Maybe you can find some help online. It's the MediaWiki, which is pretty popular.


I've played around a little with your posted seems to be impossible to format it correctly. If you use <pre> instead, it works much better. Because Mediawiki is written in PHP and for the usual PHP-Developer, only PHP exists, i assume that the behaviour of <code> is somehow related to how PHP-code looks and it chokes on Java or any other language. I have no other explanation for the mess it creates...anyway, pre seems to work fine.
I think, i've deleted a comment or two in your code while trying out things...i hope you don't mind... ;)


Thanks, looks much better. ;D
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