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Started by AGP, June 16, 2009, 01:11:06 AM

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Egon, I fixed the Street Fighter link. As for the joystick spinning the camera, no one in the lwjgl group seems to have a suggestion about it, so at the beginning of Racer I tell you to move the analog sticks before the car moves. I also find that if I press the accelerator button one or two seconds before the race the analog sticks default to zero value (as it always should).


And the joystick uses a button for accelerating and another for braking. as opposed to up and down like the keyboard.


But to address your list of suggestions:

  • I will rescale the textures later (probably the last thing I do, really, because there's so much more to do).
  • I'm not double-loading them, but perhaps the process of loading an image, then making it a texture does that? Your suggestion!
  • Some trees for some reason aren't transparent, but fortunately they're further from camera than the trees that work. I'll look into the problem later, but I looked at the textures and I see nothing wrong with them (same as the ones that work).
  • Only way I see to improve input is to implement lwjgl's keyboard, which I guess I'll do.
  • Are you sure the steering thing isn't your joystick?
  • The cars are a little smaller, but believe it or not that's a choice I made for the gameplay. I don't know, if it bothers people too much, I might rescale them.
  • Good point about the hardware renderer, I will do that.
  • What exactly is MipMapping and how will it improve the game?

Thanks for your suggestions and do read what I wrote in response to your analog stick troubles.


I tried to wiggle around with the stick like the onscreen message says, but to no avail. I think it's the stick. I've never really used it, it may be broken.

About the double loading of, my method doesn't do this. The log messages that i got were, that a texture with the name <namehere> has been added twice to the manager preceded by a rescale message, which i got a bunch of before. So i assumed that they were loaded twice.

About the keyboard: It's possible to create good keyboard controls with the default event listeners. I don't think that LWJGL Keyboard class will work here, because it requires a Display to be created, which is only given in the context of the native OpenGL renderer.
I don't know how you do the keyboard stuff right now, but you may want to have a look at jPCT's KeyMapper-class in the util-package.


I will look into the KeyMapper, thanks.

For my other game, I told you about this already: ever since I switched the renderer from the old hardware method to the AWTGLCanvas, I keep getting ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions. No event threads either draw or change the models, and all the draw() calls are in a single game loop. So what are all the circumstances in which the World.draw(FrameBuffer) method might throw this right after a succesful call to World.renderScene(FrameBuffer)?


The only situation that i'm aware of where this could happen, is when some other thread fiddles around with an object while the draw()-call runs. I can't verify this problem in any other situation...i've never experienced it and i have quite a lot of test cases for AWTGLRenderer.
Do you have stack trace of this exception? Or, even better, a test case to reproduce it?


I can send you the whole thing if you want to have a look. I find it really weird.


If you could provide a version that i can use without much hassle, i'll give it a try.