Md3 and MD5

Started by cintix, June 21, 2009, 08:55:18 AM

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Hey :)

Have anyone of you a trick to load the Quake models (MD3 or MD5) models in jpct. I can't see a way to do it in the com.threed.jpct.Loader.

Faith is for the weak...


You would need to convert them into a format supported by jPCT, such as 3DS keyframes or MD2.  You should be able to do this for free using Blender and googling the proper importer/exporter plug-ins.


Thanks Paul,

I know I could convert them, I guess i was just hoping that, maybe someone might have created  a loader for jpct. :)

Faith is for the weak...


I started an MD5 loader, but never finished it. I just don't have enough knowledge about JPCT to create it.

If anyone wants to take over, I'd be happy to send then what I'd done so far.