Version updates!

Started by EgonOlsen, March 28, 2010, 09:47:50 PM

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I am looking for what is wrong, because when I did simple test, additional color is working...
this is code of screens (uploaded image is actual texture):
fb.blit(pad, 0, 0, x, y, 128, 128, 128, 128, 50, FrameBuffer.OPAQUE_BLITTING, addColor);


If that is the code that blits it, i would say that neither screen shot is correct because neither texture is blitted opaque. Are you clearing the frame buffer with additional alpha or something?


I can not find where is problem in addColor... just fb.claer();


Sorry, i need some test case to get the problem with opaque/non-opaque/whatever stuff...


I tried set to transValue whatever and it is without any effect, so maybe this is issue :)


It works fine when using additive blending (which my test cases did) but seems to fail when additive is set to false...i'll look at it.


Should be fixed now...please re-download the zip and try again.


addColor and transparency work now, thanks :)


Became a miracle and render to texture works (maybe newer firmware?...). But why boxes rendered more times? and fb.blit(...) does not works when is rendered and drawed world, without works, but in bad dimensions. I used "Config.autoMaintainAspectRatio = false" and "Config.renderTargetsAsSubImages = false"


No idea. Maybe you are seeing the last render result blitted into the new one there? Maybe it doesn't work correctly even if it looks like it at first glance...just don't use this feature! It's too flaky and doesn't work on all devices (as you've already noticed multiple times). So....DON'T DO IT! And about blitting into the render target, the docs for setRenderTarget(..) state: "While possible, it's not recommended to blit into a render target."...just follow that advice.


New alpha here:

This one adds: Option to enable AA via an AAConfigChooser in util as well as two fixes concerning sharing compiled data for animated objects.


i don't arrive to launch the application "helloshader" on the emulator pc


emulator does not support ogl 2.0


how could i do to see the helloshader so? because i don't have a tablet


You don't need a tablet, but a real phone would help. If that isn't available, you can see a video on Youtube: