Background pic

Started by vael, August 21, 2010, 10:53:35 PM

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Hi all. I've got a problem trying to set a background pic
I tried to blit texture to framebuffer after calling clear()
and something definitely went wrong. in log I see that it resized (lowered) resolution when loaded the texture, but thats not the whole problem I guess. and I'd like resolution to stay high enough, like 800x480.
could you please tell me how I am supposed to do it?


A texture always have to have a size and width that's a power of 2. Everything else will be scaled down. If you really need a 1-to-1-blit of the source image (which will fit one resolution only anyway), you have to split it into several power of 2 texture. If that's not needed, i suggest to scale your background to 512*512 and blit that onto the 800*480 screen. That should look good enough in most cases.


that's right, thanks for explanation :)


oh and one more question please :)
is there in alternative to ReflectionHelper in Android version of jPCT?


No, there isn't. Open GL 1.1 doesn't really support this and even if it would, it would be much too slow.