Edit Alien Runner wall

Started by sweeta, March 21, 2011, 09:18:46 AM

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I am a android learner. I want to edit a number of counts of walls in alien runner to 5... How can it be done? Please help.


I don't get the question...what "number of counts"?


it means.. number of wall... means number of walls in game... i want to keep it fix to value 5..?


The number of walls depends on the level. The levels are simple ACSII files. If you want to limit the number of walls/pools/ramps..., you have to edit these files.


Can you please explain in little more detail?


Open res/raw/level(1..3).txt with some ASCII editor, edit it, save it, run game. Each character stands for an object. Which is which should be possible to get out of the code of ObjectPool. Walls are 'w' for example.



Now i want to add alertbox in between the game.. when alien hits the wall.! Please guide for this.
I tried to use alertdialog.builder. But error is coming


This is unrelated to jPCT-AE. It might be a better idea to ask this in a dedicated Android forum.