
Started by rolz, October 21, 2004, 04:03:43 PM

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You need to have java 5.0 installed to run this game.
I would've probably include it along with the installation for people who want to have this stuff up and running after double-clicking on the game icon, but this will add 15 more megabytes to the download package.

I will need to include installer / bundle java in time when the game will need to be oriented for wider audience, not only other developers/testers.



How '1.5ed' is this project? It's nice to try and make Java apps Java 1.1 compatible in my experience. Most Windows machines for the last 5 years of so have a 1.1 VM already installed (Of the Microsoft variety). I believe JPCT is 1.1 compatible?


Yes, technopolies used to work under 1.1 but when you switch from applet to desktop application and plan to ship jre with the game, 1.1 compatibility doesn't matter.


Quote from: "MFJ"I believe JPCT is 1.1 compatible?
For the software renderer path, yes. But OpenGL support requires at least 1.4.


- added perks
- added temporary effects
- reworked character info screen


temporary effect (trauma)


- new skills:
Bodybuilding (+con)
Athletism (+str)
Scouting (+movement speed)
Dodger (+evasion)
Unarmed Combat (ATK+1 without weapon)
Dagger Proficiency (ATK+1 with dagger)
Sword Proficiency (ATK+1 with sword)
Automatic Rifles Proficiency (+2.5% perception, +2.5% critical with  automatic weapons)

-new Effect:
Mutant Skin (20 min., + AC)

- you may now ask NPCs to train/upgrade skills

- it is now possible to knock down an opponent with certain kind of weapons.

- added critical hits. Crits cause either x3 damage or additional effect (trauma, knockdown)

- marines and aliens are now given random skills/levels

- reworked damage calculation. Badly need someone who understands D&D logic to help with this. ;)



- added rocket laucher



0.95 is scheduled for Monday

- added WebStart installer
- added ammunitions for different kind of weapons
- added corresponding skills for all kind of weapons
- slightly reworked character screen
- redesigned item icons

finally, long-awaited webstart support.

more skills/effects are now available. More additional info on character.

Added ammo for all types of weapons.
Finally, all game items could not fit on a single shop screen ;)


Quote from: "rolz"
finally, long-awaited webstart support.
Cool. The folks at Javagaming will appreciate it... :wink:


Frankly there are lots of java folks who won't download/install java desktop application if it isn't JWSed ;) And yes, you are right, it was done mainly for JGF folks. ;)


I love the fact that you are adding a lot of game play related things to Technopolies right now.

Have you already put the new multi texturing stuff to any good use?



I've noticed an artifact - "sawed" contours in place when one object intersects with another (tent and tent's shadow on the picture).
I've noticed that it depends on the viewing angle and distance from camera to intersecting objects. Do you have any clues on how it could be handled ?

EDIT: that could be one of the places where i would want to put multitexturing - static shadows. I have some ideas now, but still thinking on the implementation.

btw, i did some profiling last night and discovered two bottlenecks in 3d code:

1. calculation of 3d coordinate of mouse on the ground (Interact2D.reproject2D3D())
2. calculation of  distance from some object to the ground (object.calcMinDistance())

i have applied some optimizations like calculating coordinate every N msec, not every frame but it is still the most "heavy" spot in the game (15% & 25% accordingly).
Could you please give your recommendations on improving performance for these 2 methods ?


Quote from: "rolz"Helge,

I've noticed an artifact - "sawed" contours in place when one object intersects with another (tent and tent's shadow on the picture).
I've noticed that it depends on the viewing angle and distance from camera to intersecting objects. Do you have any clues on how it could be handled ?
It's a depth buffer accuracy problem of the graphics card. You may try to adjust the far and/or near clipping plane (if possible of course) to get rid of it. What graphics adapter is that?


Quote from: "rolz"
i have applied some optimizations like calculating coordinate every N msec, not every frame but it is still the most "heavy" spot in the game (15% & 25% accordingly).
Could you please give your recommendations on improving performance for these 2 methods ?
Both may benefit from a call to enableLazyTransformations() on the ground object (if possible, i.e. if you are not applying any transformations to the ground after it's in place)). calcMinDistance() should benefit from an OcTree (with setCollisionUse(true)) too.  I understand that calcMinDistance() takes some time, but i'm wondering what should be so expensive in reproject2D3D()...i'll look into that method when i find the time to see if there's some room for improvement left in it.


Screenshot was mad with intel 865 integrated, but i experience the same effect with Radeon on my home box.

I've played with Config.glZBufferDepth, Config.tuneForIndoor()/outdoor - but with no difference.