.obj textures from Blender

Started by Disastorm, February 03, 2011, 10:23:54 AM

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Does anyone know what settings I have to use in the Materials in Blender to make it so when it exports, jpct will read the texture.  I've been able to do it easily in 3ds max and Metasequoia, but in Blender I have tried a bunch of options but it hasn't seemed to work yet.

ah got it working i guess i have to do this UV wrapping thing?


A)I believe you need to 'bake' some UV maps (if using procedural textures). There is a .py script for this, but it has been a while since i tried it.
B)If using image textures rather than the proc ones (which is what i use) then you need to also choose UV map input in materials, but then unwrap the model and also add the texture in the UV editor window. (you will know it is working if you choose texture view and it looks right).
Modelling and animating in blender is awesome, it is a shame the texture system is so fiddily. :/
There are loads of youtubes on this subject though.


Yes, UV wrapping and it's not terribly user friendly in Blender.

I found it easier to create the model I want in Blender and apply the textures in Accutrans (http://www.micromouse.ca/) using the Tools-> Create UV Coordinates.  When you save your 3DS in Accutrans, do not use double sided option, JPCT doesn't like it.

If you're doing any 3D modeling at all, I highly recommend Accutrans, it's an absolutely fantastic tool, amazingly inexpensive and takes all of the guesswork out of your models.

Oh, personally I still use Caligari Truespace, the last real version 7.6.  I've vowed to buy Maya someday, but TS is the best I've used so far.


I learned a great deal by watching the youtube vids on it:
Not sure if this is the best one, but it is one of many.


Thanks I got it working with uv wrapping.