nvidia quadro JRE crashes?

Started by Disastorm, July 01, 2011, 11:45:35 PM

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Hello, I normally do not run my game on nvidia quadro, but the other day I tried it on 2 laptops that have Nvidia Quadro FX 880M and it seems like it crashes often (on one laptop it crashes as soon as it starts) with an error:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x0000000069fa6356, pid=6244, tid=7452
# JRE version: 6.0_26-b03
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (20.1-b02 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C  [nvoglv64.DLL+0xaa6356]

Do you know if there is some problem with Nvidia Quadro, is it not possible to run on this video card?


I've an older Quadro card in my machine at work. Everything works fine on it. You seem to run the 64bit version of windows? Are you using compiled objects? If so, try to set Config.glUseVBO=true before creating the FrameBuffer.


I believe the version of the game I tried had that set to true already, however I will double check when I get home by building my game again and running it on this laptop.  Are there any other possible suggestions or is that the only one?


If it's set to true, try false instead. Which renderer are you using? Native GL or AWTGL?


Ok Ill try both true and false when I get home and let you know if one of them fixes it.  I'm not sure of the renderer I am using, is there a default? Sorry I'm not home right now so I can't check the code.  I just know that I have software disabled, actually I didn't even know there was more than one OpenGl renderer, perhaps I can also try changing that, too.


Sorry I havn't gotten aroudn to trying this yet, but I was wondering how to use AWTGL renderer? When I tried to use it, it has an error saying my Mouse is not Created.  If I try Mouse.create() somewhere, it says error that Display must be created. 

Also, I saw some threads from years ago that said AWTGL is faster on multi core cpus, is this still the case, is it basically faster than the regular GL renderer?


No, it requires an AWT Canvas to work and none of the LWJGL native mouse, keyboard and display stuff will work. Instead, you would have to use the AWT equivalents like MouseListener. It might be faster, because it's multi-threaded by nature. But you can configure the normal OpenGL renderer in the same way, so that's not a pro anymore.


Ah I see thanks, Ill just use the regular one then.  Are you referring to the boolean useMultipleThreads?  is this set to true by default?

hmm if i set this to true, i get the same mouse error.


If you set it to true, you can't access the mouse before the display has been created, which happens in another thread then. You can check for XXX.isCreated() before querying mouse, keyboard or display.


It looks like the multiple thread thing messes up my FengGUI initialization, so I was wondering if I can set multiple threads to true later on and it will start doing that, or if its one of the configs that u need to do befoer starting the renderer.


No, it has to be set before creating the renderer. However, if it doesn't work, just don't use it. It's not needed in most cases anyway.


Oh ok, it doesn't increase performance too much?


It might help, but on systems that have multiple cores, performance is usually high enough anyway....unless you are using a crappy GPU but with that, multiple threads can't help either.


looks like vbo on or off still crashes my quadro.


Have you actually tried to update the drivers?