make objects bright?

Started by pepel, November 15, 2011, 04:47:22 PM

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Hi there,

  I'm trying to make objects "bright", like the sun of the magic island (an3dbenchXL), but I'm lost :)... any tip?

   it would be nice to have the sourcecode of the an3dbenchxl :)

thanks in advance


The sun is just a sun texture on a quad rendered with additive blending.


I don't get it :( I've do want to make an object that shines like the sun of the magic island, but I don't know how...

have tried convinations of these lines:


any tip?

thanks in advance


Looks ok. Maybe you can post a screen shot that shows your problem, because i don't get it ATM.


I probably didnt explain it correctly. I want the spaceship shots, the green and orange ones, to shine like the sun, or make a similar effect of the multiples light sources on an3dbench.
thanks in advance

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You are adding green to black. It doesn't get greener than green that way. The benchmark adds colored dots to a none-black background, which makes it look more intense. Try to use a texture that has a color fading towards the edges and maybe don't use 10 as a setting for the transparency, because that makes the fading almost opaque. Try 0..3 instead. It won't be any brighter, but it might look more like you want it to.