The distortion of the sphere.

Started by Zemalax, November 25, 2011, 09:30:44 AM

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Hello! I have a problem, I create a sphere and displays it in the world. When she is at the center of the display - a round sphere (right), but when I ask her to the upper-right corner (where it generally move), it is distorted and looks like an ellipse or oval. Of course, I thought at the expense of what is due to camera angle, but I thought always that which side and the angle at which the sphere does not look - it will remain a sphere. Could you explain me or suggest how to fix it and what is the error.

Code - create sphere in the world

sph.setAdditionalColor(new RGBColor(0, 255, 0));

sph.translate(0.0f,-7.85f, 0.0f);

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That's perspective projection. It's totally fine this way.