multiple action timing

Started by bili, February 05, 2012, 06:48:51 PM

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I can create a multiple actions like walk->attack1->jump and so on from the ninja model example but the animation happens so quickly that I cant hardly see what the ninja is actually doing. I use a loop to calculate the total cliptime of the sequence and do index = animateSeconds / clipTime;
Finally to animate the whole sequence: group.animateSkin(index, 0); where group is the ninjas.get(0); as I only use one model and have no intent to use more than one. But it doesn't seem to have any effect. Any suggestions?


sorry for late answer. somehow i didnt notice this post.

are you sure index is a float? this kind of thing typically happens because of rounding.

also try printing value of index each frame


Thanks and sorry for late reply, I was just too busy last 2 weeks. Had no time to work on this.

I realised that I did it wrong after looking at the code from the Bones sample files.
