Near plane clipping (was: techniques for displaying text)

Started by MichaelJPCT, January 03, 2016, 02:12:42 PM

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jPCT isn't a scene graph engine and it's not going to become one.

Edit: But for Object3Ds, you can get some of the wanted behaviour by using the child/parent relations. These can include dummy Object3Ds as well, which are empty, not part of the world and just act as containers for some common transformations for all of their children.


hello, i retry making a JPCT game and downloaded the JPCT package from the JPCT download page, the package doesn't contain this nearclip fix?
and i tried the newer beta version from the link in this post. in this version Camera.adjustFovToNearPlane() method doesn't require argument anymore? how can the method know which World should the Camera adapt to? and Java reports that a deprecated method is invoked if i use this version.
another question, can the Android version have this nearclip fix?


The beta version moves the setClippingPlanes into Camera, where they actually belong. The method in World is still there though, which gives you the deprecated warning when using it. Consider to refactor your code to use the method on Camera instead.
The jPCT-AE beta can be found here: It should include the same fixes.