Why don't names don't get serialized?

Started by laborg, April 25, 2012, 02:44:21 PM

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First off: Great library and impressive support!

Here's my question:
In the case of serializing an Object3D-Array to use it on android the names (originally coming from a .obj file created in blender) aren't serialized to the ser-file. Why?
(Background: I want to access 3d-Objects in Android by their name - if that's not possible I would be thankful for a hint on how to solve the problem of having a deterministic assignment between the identity of objects in blender and the android-world. Searched the forums for "naming" and "ordering" but found nothing.)

Thanks in advance!


I have same problem in 3ds format... from this reason I can not use serialized files


I guess i simply forgot to add this. I'll look at it the next week, when i'm back home.


thanks for update, now it is ok :)
edit: I have problem with rotation pivot. I loaded 3ds file and used rotation pivot from it, serialized with reduce, but rotation pivot is bad in my android game.


I don't think that the rotation pivot is being saved. The basic idea of serialized objects was to speed up the loading process. It wasn't meant to be used for serializing the actual Object3D as a whole. But i guess if the loader loads this pivot, it should be serialized as well...i'll look into it in the next few days...


Ok, thanks... and what mean compile of object?


Quote from: Thomas. on May 06, 2012, 01:05:07 PM
...and what mean compile of object?
It's the process of converting, splitting, merging and optimizing the an Object3D for being rendered on the GPU most efficiently. But i don't understand what this question has to do with serialized objects!?


This takes about 25% of loading process time, is possible to compile objects one time and save it to serialize file?


No. It has to happen on the target device.


I've updated the jars with a version that saves/loads the rotation pivots too.
