Version 1.26 has been released!

Started by EgonOlsen, December 18, 2012, 02:44:04 PM

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Get it from the download page:

Changes of the desktop version can be found here:

Changes of the Android version can be found in this post:,1561.msg22864.html#msg22864

Have fun!


Thanks a whole lot, buddy. Question: given the new existence of Polyline, would you now be willing to write a method like drawEllipsoid, etc. that took the same parameters as the collision-detection methods so that we could visualize our collision objects?


I fail to see a relation between the two, to be honest... ???


Well, your answer used to be that it wouldn't work with the pipeline. Obviously, with the existence of Polyline this is no longer the case.



Well...Polyline is for drawing some lines in world space, which are more or less static. It's not really suitable for drawing real geometry that moves around in the level. One could abuse it for that, but it just doesn't feel right and will be pretty slow.


That's a valid argument. As is my counter-argument: visualizing your collision objects is for debugging purposes only, so who cares whether or not it's particularly efficient?


IMHO, a simple utility class that does this would be sufficient. I really don't want to add it to the core. I'll consider adding one in one of the next releases (most likely not in the next one, but in the one after that). Then again, if you really need something like this now, it should be pretty easy to code it yourself. Afterall, it's not much more than creating an ellipsoid (can be done with primitives) and adding it as a child to the colliding object. You don't even need lines for this. A transparent object should do, or doesn't it?


I don't need it right now, but I do often need it. A utility class is exactly what I was thinking about. The important thing is that it take the same arguments as the collision-detection methods (and that it says so in the documentation). A transparent object would work just as well. Thanks a lot!