3ds models and mirrored objects

Started by MFJ, September 04, 2005, 12:03:09 PM

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When building models in 3ds, I quite often use the mirror feature to copy bits and make them symmetrical. It seems that JPCT's importer doesn't like mirrored objects and just renders them the normal way around (Im assuming that this isn't a limitation of the 3ds file format?).


The restraints on this ride.

In 3ds max:


Any ideas?


I wrote the importer based on a free, reverse engineered documentation from the net. I don't own 3ds, so i can't really verify this. It seems like 3ds doesn't really copy the geometry but stores the former (unmirrored one) with an additional mirror plane or matrix or whatever...i have no clue. Does it help to export the object into another format and reimport it as 3ds in 3ds?


Ok, I see.

I've done

3ds -> dxf -> 3ds -> Export to 3ds

Which now works, but I lose my colours :-(

Thanks for the idea, I'll try to find another solution.


Have you found a solution? This mirroring seems to be a *strange* feature. I've downloaded the 3ds you are using in your applets from your site and loaded it into DeepExploration (a mighty viewer/converter for all kinds of 3d and 2d files) and while it manages to mirror the parts in question, it "inverts" them, so that the back faces are visible while the front faces are not. So it's also wrong...just different...



My solution was simply to remodel that part without the mirroring (as I had done with the frame part earlier) - I havent posted the new version to my website yet, busy with Splines!

I guess another solution would be, because the 3ds file becomes many object3ds, (im assuming by my grouping in 3ds) that it might be possible to find which models become which object3ds and then transform them appropriately - but that's for another time, im not too worried about those examples on my site, just me playing around.