
Started by LowPolyMan, July 03, 2013, 11:55:35 PM

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How do i get the total frames and how do i get what frame is currently displayed?


getLength() method in  JointChannel and MeshChannel gives the number of frames.

there is no such thing as currently displayed frame. it can be an exact frame or an interpolation between two frames. and the timing between frames should not be constant.

why do you need that information? may there is another way?


But the exported ogre meshes converted to xml don't have any pose, all animations are in one pose.
I'm not sure what you mean exactly here?

- Convert MD2, MD3 or MD5 model files to Ogre Mesh XML
jPCT itself supports MD2 format. no support for MD3 and MD5 at the moment

- Convert Quake's vertex animations to Ogre's morph animations
Bones support pose animation, not morph animation. morph animation is very similar to jPCT's key frame based mesh animation. you can either export that to MD2 or export those animations as pose animations
- Convert Doom 3's skeletal animations to Ogre's skeletal animations
yes, Bones support Ogre skeletal animations.


Ogre exporter for milkshape has the option to select an animation file where you can especify the name of the animation(s) and the first an last frame of it, then you can call them in jpct with setanimation


Quote from: Gatobot on July 04, 2013, 08:50:16 PM
Ogre exporter for milkshape has the option to select an animation file where you can especify the name of the animation(s) and the first an last frame of it, then you can call them in jpct with setanimation

Wow, didn't notice that.. handy.. tnx!

BTW i found the following tool:,
seems very handy to convert quake1/2/3 and some other to ogre. But it doesn't create a skeleton xml, only a mesh xml.

- Convert MD2, MD3 or MD5 model files to Ogre Mesh XML
- Convert Quake's vertex animations to Ogre's morph animations
- Convert Doom 3's skeletal animations to Ogre's skeletal animations

Would this work also with bones?


Quote from: LowPolyMan on July 04, 2013, 01:33:38 PM
But the exported ogre meshes converted to xml don't have any pose, all animations are in one pose.
I'm not sure what you mean exactly here?

- Convert MD2, MD3 or MD5 model files to Ogre Mesh XML
jPCT itself supports MD2 format. no support for MD3 and MD5 at the moment

- Convert Quake's vertex animations to Ogre's morph animations
Bones support pose animation, not morph animation. morph animation is very similar to jPCT's key frame based mesh animation. you can either export that to MD2 or export those animations as pose animations
- Convert Doom 3's skeletal animations to Ogre's skeletal animations
yes, Bones support Ogre skeletal animations.

The lines starting with '-' are from the readme file from the QuakeToOgre tool.

So that tool converts md2/md3/md5 and more to ogre mesh.

Tnx for the anwser anyway.


is there a question here?

btw, I suppose forum engine got confused. my above post looks like posted by LowPolyMan.