Load large number of models (objects)

Started by msh7, September 17, 2013, 03:50:51 PM

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Is this possible to load around 50 models? If yes, how much effect does it have on the performance? Is there any example for loading large amount of models?



That highly depends on the models. If these are 50 individual models, you might run into memory problems. If several models can share the same data, it's not that critical. What do you have in mind exactly?


I am trying to develop something like Letters Alive App. There would be a 3d animated model for each alphabet..


What does "animated" mean in this case? Anyway, i guess the only way to see if this will work is to give it a try. Just keep these tips in mind: http://www.jpct.net/wiki/index.php/Reducing_memory_usage