About Particle Manager

Started by sushobhit, March 25, 2014, 07:26:17 AM

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The particle manager I want it to particulate a bigger image (size approx 120x120)

So what should I change in  the Particle class do it seems the particle is UVMapped and the particle you create contains one triangle



Something like the above mentioned The object has to display a message and the requirement is the image has to be atleast 120x120


I don't think that a partcle system is the right solution to this problem. Blitting a texture, using an Overlay or a billboarded object seem more appropriate to me.

Edit: Is it something like this that you have in mind: http://www.jpct.net/forum2/index.php/topic,252.msg2358.html#msg2358?


Yes something like what happens in a 3d Chat env. But this one is not for a 3d chat app , actually it is for the new game project where at some point the player has to speak and for that speech instead of the sound which consumes more memory I want to display a message which slowly slowly goes up (invert gravity) and disappears after sometime.
I have studied you particle manager (like PhD) and it's great for showing water splatter and for collected systems and I also think it can be used for displaying fire sparks