Problem with model after loading Bones to Android

Started by kkl, April 06, 2014, 04:29:33 PM

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My model seems deformed when loaded into Android. I've have been making other models and they are just fine. However, if it's not animated, it looks ok. I even changed the Config.maxPolyVisible to 20000 and Config.fixCollapsingVertices to enabled too. Even remaking the model has the deform differently. What happened to the Bones?

p/s I'm using orge exporter in Blender and followed the instructions from the jpct wiki. The model looks fine in Blender, in animation.


two things to try:

* does it look ok on desktop jPCT? (you can use Ogre sample to view your model)
* if not, does it look ok on an external viewer, such as OgreMax's viewer?


Hi raft,

I tried with desktop jpct orge sample with my model, and it looks exactly the same deform compared to Android version. I can't import into OrgeMax as it says there is some errors loading the file. I guess OrgeMax only works with 3dmax orge exporter or other selected 3D software.

Did I missed something modeling the 3D model in Blender? It looks completely fine before exporting.


i never used Blender myself, so i'm not sure what is wrong there.

OgreMax viewer should open it and is a good checking tool, what errors does it find? (btw, if I remember correctly, it opens binary form not xml form)

OgreMax is one of the best exporters and even it can be got confused sometimes, when object is translated rotated etc. So if you did such manupulations to your object(s) that may be the cause. i.e. do not translate/rotate your objects but translate/rotate its vertices.


I think I got it worked! The problem was the missing vertices after exporting from Blender. I found out the vertices that are not assigned to bones in Blender will not be exported (I manually assign custom vertices to bones). I missed few vertices and the whole thing got haywired, and now it's ok after checking ;) Does it happen in 3dmax btw?

That why it happens when I try to open xml/bones into OrgeMax. Im not sure how to export binary though.


i'm glad you solved it:) you may also want to add this info to wiki page ;)

for OgreMax, i'm not sure but i dont think so. it should simply assign zero weights to that vertices IMHO


Yea. Perhaps you're right. I remember OrgeMax is for Maya/3dmax/Softimage/XSI. It doesn't support Blender atm. Hope they'll come out with Blender though. Currently, Im using blender2orge addon for Blender, which I think they might hav different way to export the bones IMHO.