(big breath) Indiegogo Campaign for Space Combat game Armada

Started by Irony, April 29, 2014, 10:00:37 PM

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Hi guys
after resisting for a long time,  I did the unthinkable and built an Indiegogo page to help the game get finished and polish it up. Not asking for a crazy amount, just enough to get in-game music and some other assets. Yeah, it's e-begging, but at least it's for a somewhat reasonable sum. (Will Wheaton is making a web series showing him playing board games with a few friends, and is asking for a million dollars to film it, so hey :)
Even if you cannot imagine giving out any cash, there is still a lot of information about the game I haven't posted before, so take a look if you're interested:
Thanks guys.


Nice. I bet it's hard to promote this...i posted something about it on my Google+ page. It might not really help but it doesn't hurt either. Which payment methods does Indiegogo actually provide?


Thanks a lot. I have posted it on a few forums for Wing Commander, as I thought there would be some demand for such a game on mobile. Got a few helpful and positive comments, but no money. Did not necessary expect to, it was meant more as an experiment.
The silly thing with this crowdfunding stuff is that projects that are already 10 times overpaid are still presented on the main page. Bigger projects mean more money for the platform, so I guess in the end, it's as commercial as everything else.
Edit: indiegogo uses paypal only, but it is possible to give with a credit card without registration.


From what i have read, it's really hard to promote your campaign so that people start to plegde. I've no personal experience with crowd funding, but i do have some with promoting your stuff in forums and all i can tell is, that it doesn't work very well. Most people don't read, don't care or don't understand. So you have to promote it to a really large group of people to find at least some that a willing to spend some money on it.
Getting your project mentioned on large, gaming related websites can be a real boost...

That said, have you considered to post about it on http://www.java-gaming.org/?


It's easy to see why people do not care too much. I wouldn't too if a project is not coincidentally 100% percent what I am looking for. And that is pretty unlikely.
I have read again and again that more than 50% of the funds of sucessfull projects usually come from relatives or close friends. Still, for some reason I thought mine would be different, because begging my own family to give me money via some website feels just wrong. Was hard enough to post it on Facebook :)
My plan is to polish the game a little more and then start contacting Android gaming sites. Maybe I'll get a review or two when the game is finished. I do not have the great protfolio to build any hype beforehand.