Version 1.30 has been released!

Started by EgonOlsen, November 19, 2015, 08:26:44 PM

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Get it from the download page:

Changes of the desktop version:

  • Fixed Object3D.setAdditionalColor() to allow for null values.
  • Fixed a spelling issue in ExtendedPrimitives.
  • Added support for a normals array to the bulk constructor of Object3D.
  • Fixed VertexAttributess.update() with an index>0.
  • Improved accuracy for ray-polygon-collision to handle smaller scenes better.
  • Added better debug logging for texture handling.
  • Fixed a memory leak when unloading textures in a threaded renderer.
  • Added a new variant of the transform()-method to Camera.
  • Fixed World.getBounds() to handle negative max values correctly.
  • Increased performance of FrameBuffer.getPixels().
  • Added the option to set a shader for blitting.
  • Added an option to preWarm only parts of the TextureManager's content.
  • Added an option to shift the frustum in y-direction.
  • Improved the 3ds loader to handle empty chunks better.

Changes of the Android version:

  • Fixed Object3D.setAdditionalColor() to be able to take null values.
  • Fixed a spelling issue in ExtendedPrimitives.
  • Added support for a normals array to the bulk constructor of Object3D.
  • Fixed VertexAttributes.update() with an index>0.
  • Improved accuracy for ray-polygon-collision to handle smaller scenes better.
  • Added an option to Config to ignore GL errors (Config.glIgnoreErrors).
  • Moved compile() from GLSLShader to FrameBuffer, because it needs a reference to the current GL content to make the shader survive a context change, which GLSLShader itself doesn't have.
  • Removed some obsolete stuff from Config.
  • Added a new variant of the transform()-method to Camera.
  • Fixed a bug in scissor calculation when rendering into a texture.
  • Improved render performance for objects that are sharing compiled data by sorting them differently.
  • Fixed World.getBounds() to handle negative max values correctly.
  • Increased performance of FrameBuffer.getPixels().
  • Added the option to set a shader for blitting.
  • Fixed an issue with environment mapping (albeit not fully supported anyway...).
  • Added an option to preWarm only parts of the TextureManager's content.
  • Added an option to de-virtualize a virtualized texture.
  • Added on option to shift the frustum in y-direction.
  • Improved the 3ds loader to handle empty chunks better.

As always: Have fun!  ;)



I hadn't seen this yet. Thanks very much, pal. I appreciate your efforts.


oooh i only seeing this now. What does the shader blitter do?


By default, blitting uses a basic shader. If you want to do something fancy with the blitted bitmap, you can use your own shader and do it. It was a user's request, I can't remember what he used it for exactly.


Cool ~
If some  APIs of Particles  could be added, it will be more better~