LwJGL 3.1?

Started by AGP, January 08, 2017, 08:58:02 PM

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I'm concerned that the old lwjgl dlls might stop working soon (and certainly will at some point). I'm actually only downloading it right now. I haven't even had a look at it, but I gather it's something much fatter and redundant than the 2s. I don't even know if AWTGLCanvas was kept. Have you tested jpct with version 3.1?


It won't work with 3.x. In my opinion. 3.x is much too complicated and blown-up for what LW(!)JGL is supposed to be. I also don't think that 2.x will go away anytime soon, because...Minecraft.

So, no I haven't tested it, because it won't work. And I don't have plans to port it to 3.x unless I really have to.


But has there been a new build of 2.x in the last few years?


The latest build is exactly two years old. But as long as it works fine, I see no need to switch. They used to release one version a year only anyway. 3.x is going into the wrong direction IMHO. I don't want to spend the time to redo a lot of things just because someone thought that it's "cooler" that way. I'll wait and see...


What about committing straight with JOGL? It seems pretty mature from their web site, and it mentions "integrating with AWT" (there's a GLCanvas class in the docs).


And while I'm asking about this, have you considered adding Polylines to the software renderer? Don't you think that the choice of renderers should be seemless (that jpct shouldn't really "know" which renderer you're using)?


Yes, in theory, I agree. But honestly, nobody is actually using the software renderer anymore. Anyway, I might look into again in the future. I'm not sure why I didn't port it back to the software renderer. There had to be a reason, because the software renderer actually already has some code to draw line in it.


I use it all the time. It's useful for prototyping, but it's also useful in case something goes wrong with drivers. By the way, why not get rid of the legacy renderer  altogether (but update the SoftGL) at this point? That one I'm sure no one uses. LOL