Gaussian Blur |Post Processing Bloom| MultiPass Rendering in jpct ae

Started by SonicBurst2, April 29, 2017, 02:02:32 PM

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I was just wondering about this multipass rendering thing...
Is it not possible to use one single rendertarget for multipass rendering? (so with every pass the rendertarget is used for blitting)
I wonder why in this thread at least 2 rendertarget textures were needed.

In this thread:
Render world into rendertarget1.
Blit rendertarget1 into rendertarget2 (with blit shader 1)
Blit rendertarget2 into the normal framebuffer (with blit shader 2)

But why not just this?:
Render world into rendertarget1.
Blit rendertarget1 into rendertarget1 (with blit shader 1)
Blit rendertarget1 into the normal framebuffer (with blit shader 2)

I kind of tried the second method but it didn't really work...
Though I wonder why it didn't work


You can't use the an input buffer as an output buffer at the same time.