Using Blender to create a 3ds file

Started by mikedehaan, April 03, 2006, 01:39:57 AM

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Hmm....This error seems to happen when the rotateMesh() method is called.

Here's my code snippet...

Object3D aobject3d1[] = Loader.load3DS("3ds" + c + "terrain.3ds", 60F);
level = new Object3D(0);
for (int k = 0; k < aobject3d1.length; k++) {
Object3D object3d = aobject3d1[k];
level = Object3D.mergeObjects(level, object3d);

To be honest, I've been experimenting with JPct by taking the demos and modifying them.  This example came from the FPS demo.  I don't really know why the rotateMesh() method is there, nor do I know the effects of using the method.


Ok, i've found the problem. The upcoming version 1.11 should fix it. For now, just leave out any call to build() or rotateMesh() on the sub objects. It's not needed anyway at this stage of your code.