Re: Cpct?

Started by i, September 01, 2021, 11:45:33 AM

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Can someone please tell me where to find Cpct?
Or can we contribute to the original jpct source code?
(otherwise I really consider switching to C#)


I'm not sure, what you mean. jPCT is free, but not open source. AGP started the C# port based on the jPCT sources, which he has because he paid for them. What you do want to 'contribute'?


Sorry, I didn't know,
there were so many questions regarding Cpct on my news feed and I got curious
(During my studies I did a lot of Java programming and also game developing.
I chose Jpct over JME / LibGDX due to its minimal size and I once wanted to improve it,
but nowadays it seems that Java is sadly becoming less and less relevant,
at least for game programming)


I've splitted the topic, because it doesn't really belong into the cCPT thread.

You are right. Java lost a bit of momentum over the years regarding game development, at least on the desktop. It's still strong on Android either directly or in combination with Kotlin. But even there, things like Unity or Unreal Engine are way more popular. That said, one of the most popular games of all time is still Java based: Minecraft.


i still hope that there is a time i can find motivation to further program my incompleted java engine
(something like quake with mods and with software renderer, or something like the old dzzd, or how was it called?)
or maybe i can even help you?
(java is still my favorite language because of cross-compatibility and simplicity,
und sorry, meine gedanken sind manchmal chaotisch;)