2 questions when using JPCT

Started by qjvictor, November 28, 2006, 09:17:07 PM

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1. will the Loader.load3DS() method load all the objects in a .3ds file? If the objects are the children objects of others.
   I find some objects in 3ds file are not loaded.
2. Some objects show sawtooth effect, how to solve it?



1.) No idea... :wink: There are no official specifications for 3ds file format so the loader is based on reverse engineered data from the net. I can't remember that this data was saying something about child objects nor do i have such a 3ds object. It loads multiple objects from a 3ds but if child objects are a special case or not...i simply don't know. Can you decouple the childs from their parents to see if it loads that correctly?

2.) Screenshot? I'm not sure what you are talking about.


Ive never experienced this, and I will be using 3DS heavily.
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Do you mean than the shape show a sawtooth efect, or the ilumination and the "shadows"?
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It is an anti-alias issue.
Any body has the solution in jPCT with hardware renderer?
Change the setting of hardware is not a good way to solve it.


The COnfig class have static fields to configurate the antialias.
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Thanks, but which static field works for it?


glMipMap I guess, I dont remember exactly because I have some propblems here, and just can write a few. definetely is the glmipmap
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You mean set the value as "Config.glMipmap = true;", but it doesn't work.


It does work, it just doesn't address edge aliasing but texture aliasing. It's a good idea to enable it anyway.


But the fact is that if I set the value to true, all the textures look not very clear as before, and the edge aliasing does exist.


Yes, that's what it is supposed to do. Mip mapping "blurs" in the distance to prevent texture aliasing (shimmering etc.). It shows ugly banding between the mip map levels. To get rid of this, enable Config.glTrilinear=true in addition. If you still don't like it that way...well, then don't enable it but it's there for a reason. Most people prefer the slightly blurry but stable look.


it seems that Config.glTrilinear=true is no effect. Strange.


Could be that your hardware doesn't support trilinear filtering or that you are simply not noticing it. It doesn't reduce the blur, it just smoothes the egdes between the mip map levels.