New here...

Started by Nintendude, December 13, 2006, 01:41:33 PM

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Hi. I was just browsing through Google when I noticed this site. I got interested in Java creation so I downloaded NetBeans and jPCT. I executed some of the examples, such as the FPS and the car, but I'm really new with all these things. I'm excellent in PHP, HTML, and Photoshop, but some of the things used on this forum baffle me, like 3D Studio Max, etc. I'm really new and I wanted to start learning and working with Java, but there aren't enough previously covered topics in the forums.

Ok so I begin. I open NetBeans for the first time, and what do I do? I tried making a new project and then moving all of the files in the cars example folder, but when I did "Run project" it was no good.

If someone can please work with me step by step, I'd really appreciate it. I'm very interested in learning this (I keep repeating lol) so PLEASE help me :)


hey welcome !
this is a good place to start your java learning


Quote from: "athanazio"hey welcome !
this is a good place to start your java learning
Wow, really complicated stuff. Even Hello World lol... I would love it if someone can please teach me when and where to use these codes, and what exactly will they do. I'm available on MSN. Add webmaster -at-

Ok well I kept reading until I got stuck. These two confused me the most: (the code)


Please note that this is a jPCT-related forum, so feel free to ask questions regarding jPCT but for plain java related questions, i suggest to visit the community boards at SUN instead.


Quote from: "EgonOlsen"Please note that this is a jPCT-related forum, so feel free to ask questions regarding jPCT but for plain java related questions, i suggest to visit the community boards at SUN instead.
:( I don't even understand how jPCT plays a role in all of these codes...


jPCT is a 3d engine written for and in Java, i.e. you are using it if (and only if) you want to create a 3d application like a game or visualization software or a demo applet...stuff like that. You don't need it for learning Java at all.


Quote from: "EgonOlsen"jPCT is a 3d engine written for and in Java, i.e. you are using it if (and only if) you want to create a 3d application like a game or visualization software or a demo applet...stuff like that. You don't need it for learning Java at all.
Well if I learn, which I'm planning to do, I'll definitely make a game. Right now, I'll just let the developers I'm sponsoring do all my dirty work for me :)

Anyways, I'm browsing the Java Game forums right now...

Question - Why do I need OpenGL for most of the things mentioned on the jPCT forums?


Quote from: "Nintendude"
Question - Why do I need OpenGL for most of the things mentioned on the jPCT forums?
jPCT can do software rendering (i.e. it uses the graphics card only to show the results, the rest is done on the cpu) and hardware rendering (i.e. the graphics card is actually drawing the polygons/textures). For this, you need to access the hardware in a unified way across vendors. This is what OpenGL provides and this is why jPCT is using it.


Yes, hello world example does look hard, but its easy.

Once you get your head around using imports, and swing,
its not so bad.
I suggest you do not start by making a 3d game.

You really need to understand whats going on in general,
or you will find yourself a little stuck.

Trust me, I do it every time;). - Text Based MMORPG - 3D Isometric MMORPG


Best way to learn is to use notepad and the JDK ( type into Notepad the following:

public class HelloWorld {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
     System.out.println("Hello, world!");

Save to Then, after installing the JDK, run a command prompt (Start>Run>cmd). Switch to wherever you saved your java file and type javac Then java HelloWorld and voila. If you're confused by any part of it, just ask. If you already knew this stuff, focus on object-oriented concepts now, or eveything else will confuse you. Good luck.


I must say I disagree with you there :) .

If you install something like Eclipse or Netbeans,
then you get syntax highlighting, and run buttons,
which is probably a lot easier.

Maybe its worth getting a decent book on Java?
Its by no means required but it does help. They are pricey though.
I bought one and it was £54:) - Text Based MMORPG - 3D Isometric MMORPG


and I also disagree with both of you ( i prefer emacs that exists on win32 and linux platforms. highlights, indentation, macros,  simple and no big interface around ;)) but it s just a question of style...
As a java lecturer at my university, i will say that even in computer science, learning java in general appears to be far more complicated than it seems for beginners than for most of us on this forum.  Learning to think "programmingly" is not easy. But if you trully wants to learn and don t have access to someone that can help you, I suggests you to buy one or two books in order to get started. Many people prefer to read sheets of papers than documents on screen...

Here at my university we currently use BIG JAVA (but not so fond of it. someway too technical for beginners). The one I used (in french) was called Le Grand Livre JAVA (editor is Micro Application. I liked it, especially for the Interface programming part)). Many other interesting books exist. again a question of personal choice and style.

As people said before in this thread, Sun website is full of tutorials... One other good source is JGURU (just have to google it).

Finally, just don t give up at the beginning, programming (especially with JAVA) is not that arsh. Just have to understand how it works.

Hope this helps.


Emacs? Simple? That thing is almost a full operating system:P

It even has tetris;)

I have installed it myself, just 3 days ago, but I just dont understand it.

I like things to do just what they are designed for, or I have trouble deciding which tool to use for each task:)

Emacs is a powerful platform, and everyone I talk to speaks highly of it. Perhaps it is worth another look!

I like to use SciTe, instead of windows notepad, because it too has highlighting and code folding. - Text Based MMORPG - 3D Isometric MMORPG


I have another question. All of the things that you guys make and put on the web opens a new Java program that I've never seen happen before. Why isn't it like Runescape and all the other mini programs that open on a webpage? The ones you guys use have a weird extension... Can someone please clearify?


There are applets and there are applications. Most people here write Java applications. Applets are the ones that run on websites. To write an applet, extend either the Applet or the JApplet class. A graphical application generally extends either Frame or JFrame (although there are other ways to get windows). Also, if anyone is writing it straight for lwjgl, then they don't need to extend any frame class. Did that help at all?