
Started by Hrolf, February 22, 2007, 04:57:45 AM

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Hi Egon & everyone,

Just to let you know about Bloodridge, a jPCT project I've been working on.

I've posted details on




Hey, that's pretty cool. It's a bit difficult though, because i'm dying all the time and aiming with arrows or magic is difficult too. Maybe a kind of (semi-) auto-aiming would help a lot in this regard.

When using the software renderer, you may want to have a look at the MipMapper-class that can be found in the download section to reduce texture aliasing (at the cost of some performance of course, but usually not much if even noticable).

About the "JOGL-calls" at jPCT can render hardware accelerated (using LWJGL, not JOGL...but who cares...) into an applet too when using the AWTGLCanvas, but i don't think that it's worth the trouble. Software for the applet and hardware for a webstart version sounds more reasonable to me.


Oh, and about the sound: The system i'm using in Paradroidz seems to be pretty stable. At least i haven't got a single complaint about it not working. Sources are here:


Thanks Egon,

I'll check that sound system out and look at MipMapper (but FPS is a BIG concern!)

QuoteIt's a bit difficult though, because i'm dying all the time
I could stop the enemies shooting at you if you think that'd make it easier!  :wink:


Quote from: "Hrolf"I'll check that sound system out and look at MipMapper (but FPS is a BIG concern!)
Give it a try anyway. If performance drops, make it an option.


I've added Bloodridge to the projects page. I hope you don't mind.


Looks very good:)

Nice work. - Text Based MMORPG - 3D Isometric MMORPG


Hi Egon,

Vers. 0.0.2 is now up.

I've added the MipMapper & it looks good (but a bit 'blurry' sometimes?) and the performance drop is barely noticable - nice one!

I also used the Javax sound API as you suggested which seems more reliable and has also allowed me to realistically reduce volume over distance - much better! Hope it works ok on linux...



Mipmapper is quite noticable;) Good work;).

Also, I run Ubuntu Edgy, and the sound could be heard, and I get 16-19 FPS, so it works in linux. - Text Based MMORPG - 3D Isometric MMORPG


hey that seems quite cool and promising :D welcome to jPCT world ;)
r a f t


Quoteso it works in linux
Fantastic! Thanks Cyber!

cyberkilla - Text Based MMORPG - 3D Isometric MMORPG


Quote from: "Hrolf"
I've added the MipMapper & it looks good (but a bit 'blurry' sometimes?) and the performance drop is barely noticable - nice one!
Yes, but it improves image quality greatly IMHO. I've noticed a little flaw that, if you disable it and enable it again, mipmaps get mipmapped again, which leads to too much blur. I think this is related to the way the MipMapper works (by changing the actual textures of the polygons). When disabling it, one may have to reset all mipmapped polygons to their original texture. I'm not sure now, if the MipMapper has a method to do this, but if it's an issue, you should be able to add it yourself easily.


I tried to finish the "keep"'s impossible IMHO... :wink:
Can i heal myself somehow? Are the enemies respawning after they have died or just after i have?


You can heal yourself with spell 6 (shoot at the ground near yourself), but it's not a good system - I need to look at that...
Respawning happens in 'reinforcement waves' every 15 seconds (different times for humans & svarts).

To finish the keep: from the start, jump up onto the ledge above the tunnel and go through the doors to the ledge on the other side. Wait here until the area below is clear(ish). Get the cauldron spell ready then sprint along the roof and jump down to the gate, fire the spell, then run back to cover beside the svart spawn building. It's not easy but it is possible!

I do need to do some easier missions though - I'm looking at mission design now, but I really have to decide whether to go for a single- or a multiplayer game as the level design considerations are totally different...