Version 0.91 has been released!

Started by EgonOlsen, July 16, 2003, 09:22:07 PM

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0.91 is out! It features an enhanced documentation (i started to write a kind of "manual" which can be found online too: kind, it's still in its infancy.), a new method to disable lightsources for an object and a refactored Loader-class (i hope it still works). The Loader supports loading a XML based format now (the format itself is subject to change a little bit in the future though).
A DTD for the XML can be found in the docs, an example XML file can be found here:
For this, a small XML-Parser has been added to the package and because it has absolutely nothing to do with jPCT itself, it has been placed in a new "util"-package.
Have fun!


I was looking for an XML world file format to use as an example to write a (probably C++, maybe and/or Java)  parser for RWX files.  I spent a few years playing with RWX in Active Worlds a while back and have about 6,000 RWX models.  XML looks like a similar (text based) format and making an RWX->XML  converter isn't any big effort so off I go.  Hopefully this format still stands as it is here; as this post I'm getting it from seems quite old.  But, either way, it's easy programming.  Wish the world was all text based. :o


The XML format is still valid, though it may not support all features of the current version. But what is in already should work fine.