hi raft,
I am seeing a difference between the way the model is displayed in my app (which used NinjaDemo as the base) and the way model is displayed in Maya. The model looks OK when viewed in Maya.
But in the Android Emulator and the Samsung Android device, the center of the model looks like it has been pulled closer to the camera. As a result the center portions of the model looks larger and the portion away from the center are looking smaller; which actually doesn't look good.
I tried manipulating 'cameratarget.y'. But it didn't help. :(
I've mailed you the screenshots from Maya and Android Emulator (couldn't attach in the post due to size restriction).Can you please help me identifying the root cause?
how does it look in desktop samples?
looking at your screenshots, seems as camera is looking up from a low position. Ninja app places camera such that camera looks horizontally so I assume you have changed something else
I don't build the desktop samples :(
ok.. I'll check if I have changed anything from the NinjaDemo.. and then get back to you...
I needed only one model in the center of the screen.
So the only difference between the ninja-demo and my app is that, I've commented out "ninja.getRoot().translate" in the function, addNinja().
well, your screenshot definetely suggests camera is somehow looking up. maybe you had changed CameraOrbitController which actually places camera.
try printing camera direction every frame, if i'm right its y value should be none zero.
I didn't change anything in CameraOrbitController.
However, I used Camera.getDirection() to get the direction and then print it. But still the 'y' is zero. :o
AMSRenderer(2858): <onDrawFrame> Camera's Direction=(0.0,0.0,-1.0)
I am attaching the CameraOrbitController that I am using... :-\
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that's strange ::) although i stil think this cant be related to model or bones, send me your model please and let me have a look.
thanks a lot, raft. :-[
I have mailed you the drop from my artist. Feel free to let me know if you require anything else.
this is how your model looks in desktop sample. seems right to me:
maybe you are rotating your model while converting it to Bones' native format?
yeah, the model was loading upside down. So I am using -rotation z180 to get it straight...
Is there a way out? :(
even if I don't rotate, i.e. even when it's loaded upside down, the same issue is observed... pls. find attached the screenshot... :-\
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i'm afraid i'm losing track here ::) the last render you had sent is the same as desktop render which you approved correct. and it's different from the first one you had sent me via email. i dont see the problem with this last one. my test looks the same too :-\
IMHO, they're different. I am attaching the screenshot for the rotated model with the background color for easy comparison.
Your screen shot: Eyes are straight; mine: eyes are looking down
your screen shot: Front of nose is visible; mine: bottom of the nose is visible
Your screen shot: Smile is visible; mine: smile is not visible
Your screen shot: Has more space above eye-brow(basically, the forehead is fully visible); mine: forehead is not fully visible...
however, not sure if you see the same way :-\
[attachment deleted by admin]
mm, you are right, i haven't noticed these differences when the model is upside down ::)
but returning to subject, i didnt do anything special. just converted your model to Bones' native format with a z rotation of 180 degrees. commented out ninja.getRoot().translate(..) as you did and got this view :-\ this is not emulator but Nexus One but that shouldnt make a difference :-\
why dont you redownload the Ninja demo app and start from scratch..
unfortunately, I am seeing the same problem even with Samsung Galaxy 3 (just confirm that is not diff b/w phone and emulator).
Yeah, ok, I will start from the scratch :(... and then get back to you...
thanks a lot for the continuos support, raft...
if that does not help either, it means we are facing a blair witch situation :D
hi raft, I downloaded the ninjaDemo and tried out my model.
My model looked OK in the ninjaDemo (similar to what you had sent). But then out of curiosity, I checked the same in the Portrait mode. You, know what? I issue is actually observed in the portrait mode. :o.
Then it dawned upon me that you were always sending me the landscape screenshot and I was sending you back the portrait screenshot.
So the problem is real and it exists!! ???
As I couldn't attach the screenshots due to size restrictions, I've mailed you the screenshots...
i see. indeed the difference comes from camera angle as i first said. on portrait mode, camera is close to model so for upper parts it looks from below. you need to play with camera position and location. for example move it slightly to up and make it look down so it can see the whole scene.
I changed the camera position's 'y' (which normally same as camera-target's 'y') to move the camera up; while the face looked ok, the legs are getting shorter... :(
Quotemake it look down so it can see the whole scene.
To make it look down, I changed the camera-target's 'y'. But this only moves the model vertically... Is there any other parameter that I should change to make it look down?
BTW, are u not planning to fix the NinjaDemo for the portrait orientation ;)
you can also play with FOV.
Quote from: Babu on July 04, 2011, 07:26:23 AM
BTW, are u not planning to fix the NinjaDemo for the portrait orientation ;)
no, because there is nothing to "fix". some models look nice at certain camera positions some others at some other positions. besides, this has nothing to do with an animation library like Bones ;)
Quotethis has nothing to do with an animation library like Bones ;)
can you pls read my question again... it was about fixing NinjaDemo... and not Bones... ;D...
anyway... thanks raft, I will play with FOV and get back to you
=> moved the camera up: Changed camera-position
=> doubled the radius and
=> decreased the FOV.
Now the model seems OK...
But, is the right approach; am I going in the right direction?? ::)
i guess there no right and wrong in this situation. if you get the desired look then it's ok ;)