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Messages - Uwe Siems

Support / Object3D.setTransparency range?
August 17, 2011, 08:25:51 PM
What is the expected value range for Object3D.setTransparency?
I'm experiencing that objects are completely opaque at value 5 and reasonable transparent at 0. I would have expected that they are opaque at 255 and invisible at 0.

And it seems that the additional color set with setAdditionalColor is multiplied with the base color instead of added to it, so an object with a black texture will still be black, regardless of the additional color, and an object with a green texture and an additional red color will stay green. Is this intentional?

Support / Re: 3ds model with flat surfaces?
August 11, 2011, 03:28:54 PM
I'm pondering if I should try to write my own 3ds loader. I noticed that Loader.load3DS currently uses Object3D.addTriangle to build the mesh, so I would assume that distinct vertices would be merged anyway. Instead I would rather use the Object3D constructor that allows to specify vertices and faces explicitly, create one Object3D for each used material and merge them afterwards with Object3D.mergeAll - provided that mergeAll doesn't do vertex sharing again. I might then calculate the normals from the vertex/face relation information available in the IVertexController. This would of course mean that you always get sharp edges between different materials, but I think that's ok.

By the way, does Object3D.mergeAll mean that normals are re-created, even if they have been generated before on all objects?

Yes, of course, it was Camera.setOrientation.
Support / 3ds model with flat surfaces?
August 10, 2011, 09:14:20 PM
I'm currently using a simple textured cube exported from Blender (2.58a) to 3ds to render a sample scene. But when two cubes are rendered side by side there is a clear light intensity step between them, probably because each vertex has only one normal vector that is shared between the faces. So the cube is lighted more like a sphere than a cube. I already have split the cube in Blender to not share the vertices between faces, but the appearance stays the same. Only if I separate the edges a little bit the faces look shaded correctly, but of course I don't want the gaps.

I assume that the vertex sharing of jPCT gets in the way here. Is there a way around this? I also read in the description of the 3ds format that faces can belong to "smoothing groups". I assume that faces not sharing any smoothing group should have a sharp edge between them. Does jPCT support this feature? (But I don't even know if the export filter of Blender uses this feature.)

...if Camera.setDirection was called with non-orthogonal vectors. This obviously is corrected for the camera view, but not for the result of Interact2D.reproject2D3DWS.
It's easy to avoid for me, but at first I wondered what was wrong.
