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Messages - K24A3

Support / Re: Error in live wallpaper
May 03, 2013, 10:38:02 AM
You should limit the number of renderers to 1 max, which means if the routine that creates the renderer is called, destroy the existing one and null the reference before creating the new one.

You should also create everything 3D related on the same thread, the main activity or wallpaper service thread.
Support / Lava shader
May 02, 2013, 03:20:32 PM
Anyone know where I can download a shader that mimics lava with the texture of an object?

Basically something that warps the texture dependent on a supplied variable between 0 and 255
Support / Re: Calc 3rd SimpleVector in a line
May 02, 2013, 10:24:26 AM
Awesome, thanks Thomas.
Support / Re: Calc 3rd SimpleVector in a line
April 30, 2013, 01:35:22 PM
lol might help if I post the image

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Support / Calc 3rd SimpleVector in a line
April 30, 2013, 12:14:21 PM
Having a bit of a SimpleVector brain fade lol, trying to calculate the position of the yellow SimpleVector from the first two red SimpleVectors, but the yellow one has to be exactly 500 units away from the middle red SimpleVector.

I could dissect xyx of the vectors and do it the long way but what is the quickest and easiest way of doing this using calcSub etc..?
Projects / Re: Thinking about some RPG..Android version.
December 21, 2012, 01:18:32 PM
IMO the nVidia drivers are what sets it apart from ATI, they have always been superior. But if you use the 'correct' driver version, ATI cards are fine.

Latest jPCT version as in v1.26? I'll have a look...
Projects / Re: Thinking about some RPG..Android version.
December 20, 2012, 05:04:31 PM
I see you have taken a kind turn towards Mali devices, come on admit it, they aren't that bad :D

In saying that, the Tegra 3 tablet I have seems to have a few distance related flicker glitches here and there so every device has it's strengths and weaknesses.

*cough* except for nVidia desktop chipsets *cough* (long time fan, always delivered expectations)
Support / Re: Confirming 32bit color output via jPCT
December 14, 2012, 01:55:52 AM
Hmm where did that sphere come from.. not to worry it works fine using invert.

Thanks for all your help I can finally continue with this project :)
Bugs / Re: HelloShader crashed error
December 13, 2012, 03:05:11 PM
Add "-gpu on" to the VDM's command line.

Use an Intel image if possible, after installing Intel HAX

But OpenGL in the emulator is still lame and crashes very often, best to use a real device.
Support / Re: getting started...
December 13, 2012, 02:48:05 PM
Java is very similar to C# but considerably different to c++, so you may want to read some Java tutorials before moving onto OpenGL programming. Java is more contained and object orientated than c++, no more header files (thank god), all the jPCT classes you posted up are contained into one jar library, or one 'namespace' if you are familiar with C#.

This site may help:
Support / Re: Confirming 32bit color output via jPCT
December 13, 2012, 02:39:14 PM
Emulator with four spheres 300 units respectively away from the light at 0,0,0

Tegra3 is still afraid of booting google's robot

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Support / Re: Confirming 32bit color output via jPCT
December 13, 2012, 02:28:18 PM
The Tegra3 is terribly flat needing a good hour to get up and running. But I'm seeing the same effect in the Emulator.

Perhaps you can try it on your tablet?
Support / Re: Confirming 32bit color output via jPCT
December 13, 2012, 02:01:10 PM
I'll send the test case via email now.

Seems I misplaced the charging cable for the Tegra3, I'll need a moment to find it.
Support / Re: Confirming 32bit color output via jPCT
December 13, 2012, 01:44:53 PM
Thanks Egon the shader looks normal now.

However the lighting direction on the objects seems to be in reverse or incorrect.  Can you replicate this on the Note?

Blue dot is the light source.

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Projects / Re: Thinking about some RPG..Android version.
December 12, 2012, 12:10:33 AM
Ok no probs. I think I found the performance issue, too many lights or excessive cut off distance.