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It solved the problem, thanks alot.
It solved the problem, thanks alot.
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public void handleTimer(int time) {
if (needsToRemove())
sumTime += time;
if (sumTime >= PERIOD) {
sumTime = 0;
if (x == 16) {
remove = true;
texMat.set(3,0,0); //reset x translation
texMat.set(3,1,0); //reset y translation
texMat.translate(0.25f * x % 4, 0.25f * (x / 4),0); //set new translation
texture = new Texture(context.getAssets().open("ani4.png"),true);
TextureManager.getInstance().addTexture("explode", texture);
Object3D precompiledObject = PrecompiledObjectManager.getInstance().getPrecompiledObject(ID);
Object3D object = new Object3D(precompiledObject, true);
Object3D precompiledObject = PrecompiledObjectManager.getInstance().getPrecompiledObject(ID);
Object3D object = new Object3D(precompiledObject);
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
if (event.sensor.getType() != Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)
* record the accelerometer data, the event's timestamp as well as
* the current time. The latter is needed so we can calculate the
* "present" time during rendering. In this application, we need to
* take into account how the screen is rotated with respect to the
* sensors (which always return data in a coordinate space aligned
* to with the screen in its native orientation).
switch (mDisplay.getRotation()) {
case Surface.ROTATION_0:
mSensorX = event.values[0];
mSensorY = event.values[1];
case Surface.ROTATION_90:
mSensorX = -event.values[1];
mSensorY = event.values[0];
case Surface.ROTATION_180:
mSensorX = -event.values[0];
mSensorY = -event.values[1];
case Surface.ROTATION_270:
mSensorX = event.values[1];
mSensorY = -event.values[0];
if (gameManager != null)
gameManager.handleSensor(mSensorX, mSensorY);
final int TICKS_PER_SECOND = 50;
final int SKIP_TICKS = 1000 / TICKS_PER_SECOND;
* Game loop thread
* @author 32kda
protected class GameLoop extends Thread {
public GameLoop() {
public void run() {
long ticks = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (!isPaused()) {
long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (current - ticks < SKIP_TICKS) {
try {
sleep(SKIP_TICKS - (current - ticks));
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
updateGame(System.currentTimeMillis() - ticks); //Call update game method with some time interval
ticks = current;
public boolean isPaused () {
return false;
final SimpleVector initialVectorUp = new SimpleVector(0f,-1f,0f); //Initial vector pointing up
SimpleVector vectorUp = new SimpleVector(0f,-1f,0f); //Camera's up vector. We reinit & rotate it any time we change camera orientation to set camera up/down angle with it
private float sensorX; //Accelerometer X & Y values
private float sensorY;
private float initialY = Float.MIN_VALUE; //field for storing initial y accelerometer value
private SimpleVector cameraVector = new SimpleVector(0f,0f,1f); //Camera horizontal orientation/azimuth vector
private SimpleVector orthoVector = new SimpleVector(); //Vector for rotating camera up/down. should be orthogonal to cameraVector when rotating
private Matrix cameraMatrix = new Matrix(); //Camera up vector rotation matrix
private float angle = 0; //Camera up/down rotation angle
*handleSensor method. Simply remember sensorX / sensorY val for future use
public void handleSensor(float mSensorX, float mSensorY) {
this.sensorX = mSensorX;
this.sensorY = mSensorY;
*This method is called from game loop & used to update our world, camera, etc.
protected void updateGame(long delta) {
if (Math.abs(sensorX) > 0.3) { //If x accelerometer value is greater than some threshold - rotate camera direction vector according to it
cameraVector.rotateY(-sensorX / 150);
Camera camera = world.getCamera();
if (initialY == Float.MIN_VALUE || initialY == 0.0) //Because it's not convenient to play with device placed strictly horizontally, I use some "initial" value
initialY = sensorY; //for vertical angle, and use it as position corresponding to zero vertical angle for camera
float yDiff = sensorY - initialY; //Calc the differnce
if (Math.abs(yDiff) > 0.3) {
angle -= yDiff / 200;
if (angle > 0.40f) //Limit vertical angle
angle = 0.40f;
if (angle < -0.40f)
angle = -0.40f;
vectorUp.set(initialVectorUp); //Re-init camera up-vector before rotating it to necessary angle
orthoVector.x = cameraVector.z; //Calculate vector orthogonal to camera vector (camera up/down riotation vector)
orthoVector.z = -cameraVector.x;
calcRotMatrix(cameraMatrix,orthoVector,angle); //Calculate rotation matrix
vectorUp.rotate(cameraMatrix); //rotate camera up vector
camera.setOrientation(cameraVector,vectorUp); //Set camera orientation
* Calculates rotation matrix for arbitrary axis
* @param matrix Matrix to fill
* @param rotVector Arbitrary rotation axis vector
* @param angle Rotation angle
* Calculation algorythm got from the Internet & it works. Can't explain in details how(
protected void calcRotMatrix(Matrix matrix, SimpleVector rotVector, float angle) {
double sin = Math.sin(angle);
double cos = Math.cos(angle);
double subcos = 1 - cos;
float x = rotVector.x;
float y = rotVector.y;
float z = rotVector.z;
matrix.set(0,0,(float) (cos + subcos*x*x));
matrix.set(0,1,(float) (subcos*x*y - sin*z));
matrix.set(0,2,(float) (subcos*x*z + sin*y));
matrix.set(1,0,(float) (subcos*y*x + sin*z));
matrix.set(1,1,(float) (cos + subcos*y*y));
matrix.set(1,2,(float) (subcos*y*z - sin*x));
matrix.set(2,0,(float) (subcos*z*x - sin*y));
matrix.set(2,1,(float) (subcos*z*y + sin*x));
matrix.set(2,2,(float) (cos + subcos*z*z));
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