Thank you. The emulator was the problem.
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Show posts Menu InputStream objStream1 = getResources().openRawResource( getResources().getIdentifier( "com.threed.jpct.example:raw/box_obj", null, null ) );
InputStream mtlStream1 = getResources().openRawResource( getResources().getIdentifier( "com.threed.jpct.example:raw/box_mtl", null, null ) );
box = com.threed.jpct.Loader.loadOBJ( objStream1, mtlStream1, 3.0f )[0];
if ( null != box )
box.setCulling( Object3D.CULLING_DISABLED );
box.setEnvmapped( Object3D.ENVMAP_DISABLED );
box.setTexture( "texture" );
box.rotateX( 90 );;
box.translate( 0.f, 0.f, 0.f );
InputStream is = getResources().openRawResource(R.drawable.grid);
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
Texture texture = new Texture(bitmap);
TextureManager.getInstance().addTexture("texture", texture);
and set it with box.setTexture( "texture" ); Page created in 0.018 seconds with 10 queries.