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Messages - gourabf9systems

Dear EgonOlsen,

I search lot's in google to get a sample code of game using jpct ae. But I have not get yet. If you post source code of game develop by you using JPCT ae. Then I able to learn some thing from that. If u post a video tutorial for this then I am very happy and become muster to use it.

Gourab Singha
Hi EgonOlsen,

I use example made by Babu. I modify that code for my self. I attach that with this post.Can you peace check it. I just wnat to make the Object3D smaller that present when I move this from +y axis to -y axis.   Can you explain bellow lines

int Z_PLANE  = 0;
float a = (Z_PLANE - camPos.z) / mTouchVector.z;
         float x = camPos.x +  a * mTouchVector.x;
         float y = camPos.y + a * mTouchVector.y;

[attachment deleted by admin]
Hi EgonOlsen ,

I am sorry for this. But I want to learn something from this forum. I will take care about my mistake. Can you please give me your mailing address so I can chat with you to get some knowledge.

Gourab Singha
Please post working example......
Can anyone post , working example of this topic. that solved by anyone.
Hi ,

Can some one post a good working example of moving android object for android. I try two attached code in this topic. But none of them give accurate result. So please provide me a good example.