I've got it working, thanks
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frustum.SetFrustum(world.getCamera().getYFOV(), 800 / 600, 1, 1500);
import com.threed.jpct.*;
public class Frustum {
private SimpleVector cameraPos;
private SimpleVector cameraUp;
private SimpleVector cameraDir;
private float frustumAngle;
private float frustumRatio;
private float frustumNearD;
private float frustumFarD;
final float ANG2RAD = 3.14159265358979323846f/180.0f;
private Plane planes[] = new Plane[6];
public void SetCamera(SimpleVector pos, SimpleVector up, SimpleVector dir) {
cameraPos = pos; //.calcSub(dir);
cameraDir = dir;//up.calcCross(cameraPos);
cameraUp = up; //cameraPos.calcCross(cameraDir);
//cameraRight = up.calcCross(dir);
public void SetFrustum(float angle, float ratio, float nearD, float farD) {
frustumAngle = angle;
frustumRatio = ratio;
frustumNearD = nearD;
frustumFarD = farD;
private void calculateFrustum() {
float tang = (float)Math.tan(ANG2RAD * frustumAngle * 0.5) ;
float nh = frustumNearD * tang;
float nw = nh * frustumRatio;
float fh = frustumFarD * tang;
float fw = fh * frustumRatio;
SimpleVector nearCenter = new SimpleVector();
nearCenter = cameraPos.calcAdd(new SimpleVector(cameraDir.x * frustumNearD, cameraDir.y * frustumNearD, cameraDir.z * frustumNearD));
// nearCenter.x = cameraPos.x + cameraDir.x * frustumNearD;// Z.x * frustumNearD;
// nearCenter.y = cameraPos.y + cameraDir.y * frustumNearD;//- Z.y * frustumNearD;
// nearCenter.z = cameraPos.z + cameraDir.z * frustumNearD; //Z.z * frustumNearD;
SimpleVector farCenter = new SimpleVector();
farCenter = cameraPos.calcAdd(new SimpleVector(cameraDir.x * frustumFarD, cameraDir.y * frustumFarD, cameraDir.z * frustumFarD));
// farCenter.x = cameraPos.x + cameraDir.x * frustumFarD; //- Z.x * frustumFarD;
// farCenter.y = cameraPos.y + cameraDir.y * frustumFarD;//- Z.y * frustumFarD;
// farCenter.z = cameraPos.z + cameraDir.z * frustumFarD;// Z.z * frustumFarD;
SimpleVector yNH, xNW, yFH, xFW;
yNH = new SimpleVector();
xNW = new SimpleVector();
yFH = new SimpleVector();
xFW = new SimpleVector();
yNH.x = cameraUp.x * nh;
yNH.y = cameraUp.y * nh;
yNH.z = cameraUp.z * nh;
yFH.x = cameraUp.x * fh;
yFH.y = cameraUp.y * fh;
yFH.z = cameraUp.z * fh;
xNW.x = cameraDir.x * nw;
xNW.y = cameraDir.y * nw;
xNW.z = cameraDir.z * nw;
xFW.x = cameraDir.x * fw;
xFW.y = cameraDir.y * fw;
xFW.z = cameraDir.z * fw;
SimpleVector ntl = nearCenter.calcAdd(yNH).calcSub(xNW);
SimpleVector ntr = nearCenter.calcAdd(yNH).calcAdd(xNW);
SimpleVector nbl = nearCenter.calcSub(yNH).calcSub(xNW);
SimpleVector nbr = nearCenter.calcSub(yNH).calcAdd(xNW);
SimpleVector ftl = farCenter.calcAdd(yFH).calcSub(xFW);
SimpleVector ftr = farCenter.calcAdd(yFH).calcAdd(xFW);
SimpleVector fbl = farCenter.calcSub(yFH).calcSub(xFW);
SimpleVector fbr = farCenter.calcSub(yFH).calcAdd(xFW);
planes[0] = new Plane(ntr,ntl,ftl);
planes[1] = new Plane(nbl,nbr,fbr);
planes[2] = new Plane(ntl,nbl,fbl);
planes[3] = new Plane(nbr,ntr,fbr);
planes[4] = new Plane(ntl,ntr,nbr);
planes[5] = new Plane(ftr,ftl,fbl);
planes[0] = new Plane();
planes[1] = new Plane();
planes[2] = new Plane();
planes[3] = new Plane();
planes[4] = new Plane();
planes[5] = new Plane();
SimpleVector aux,normal, yNH, xNW;
yNH = new SimpleVector();
xNW = new SimpleVector();
yNH.x = cameraUp.x * nh;
yNH.y = cameraUp.y * nh;
yNH.z = cameraUp.z * nh;
xNW.x = cameraDir.x * nw;
xNW.y = cameraDir.y * nw;
xNW.z = cameraDir.z * nw;
aux = nearCenter.calcAdd(yNH).calcSub(cameraPos);
normal = cameraDir.calcCross(aux);
planes[0].setTo(nearCenter.calcAdd(yNH), normal);
aux = nearCenter.calcSub(yNH).calcSub(cameraPos);
normal = aux.calcCross(cameraDir);
planes[1].setTo(nearCenter.calcSub(yNH), normal);
aux = nearCenter.calcSub(xNW).calcSub(cameraPos);
normal = cameraUp.calcCross(aux);
planes[2].setTo(nearCenter.calcSub(xNW), normal);
aux = nearCenter.calcAdd(xNW).calcSub(cameraPos);
normal = aux.calcCross(cameraUp);
planes[3].setTo(nearCenter.calcAdd(xNW), normal);
planes[4].setTo(nearCenter, cameraDir);
planes[5].setTo(farCenter, new SimpleVector(-cameraDir.x, -cameraDir.y, -cameraDir.z));
public boolean chunkInFrustum(Chunk c) {
boolean result = true;
int out, in;
float chunk_x = c.GetX() * Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE * Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE;
float chunk_y = c.GetY() * Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE * Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE;
float chunk_z = c.GetZ() * Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE * Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE;
float boxWidth = Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE * Chunk.BLOCK_SIZE;
for (int i=0;i<6;i++) {
in = 0;
out = 0;
if (planes[i].distanceTo(new SimpleVector(chunk_x, chunk_y, chunk_z)) < 0) {
} else {
if (planes[i].distanceTo(new SimpleVector(chunk_x + boxWidth, chunk_y, chunk_z)) < 0) {
} else {
if (planes[i].distanceTo(new SimpleVector(chunk_x, chunk_y, chunk_z + boxWidth)) < 0) {
} else {
if (planes[i].distanceTo(new SimpleVector(chunk_x, chunk_y + boxWidth, chunk_z)) < 0) {
} else {
if (planes[i].distanceTo(new SimpleVector(chunk_x + boxWidth, chunk_y + boxWidth, chunk_z)) < 0) {
} else {
if (planes[i].distanceTo(new SimpleVector(chunk_x, chunk_y + boxWidth, chunk_z + boxWidth)) < 0) {
} else {
if (planes[i].distanceTo(new SimpleVector(chunk_x + boxWidth, chunk_y + boxWidth, chunk_z + boxWidth)) < 0) {
} else {
if (planes[i].distanceTo(new SimpleVector(chunk_x + boxWidth, chunk_y, chunk_z + boxWidth)) < 0) {
} else {
if (in == 0) {
System.out.println("All out... " + i);
return false;
} else if (out != 0) {
System.out.println("Some out... " + i);
result = true;
return result;
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