I haven't forgotten to look into this! I've just been very busy with work and haven't had free time. I would like to figure out if there's a bug to be fixed, or if its just a driver issue
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Show posts MenuQuoteHmm looks interesting but how can one detect when an InstanceObject3D is touched?By default the mesh of an InstanceObject3D is not touched by IBR. If you do alter the mesh data, you already have access to the Mesh / Object3D as you've altered the vertices / uvs. If you do alter the mesh, note that it will affect all instances as it uses a shared mesh. If you need to get the Object3D of an InstanceObject3D type, use the InstanceManager.getObject3DOfInstanceType().
QuoteAnother question, does the order in which the InstanceObject3D's are drawn matter?
public GPUAnimated3D(Animated3D object) {
setSkeletonPose(new SkeletonPose(getSkeleton()));
package yournamespacegoeshere;
import yournamespacegoeshere.GPUAnimated3DShader;
import com.threed.jpct.GLSLShader;
import com.threed.jpct.IRenderHook;
import com.threed.jpct.Object3D;
import raft.jpct.bones.Animated3D;
import raft.jpct.bones.BonesNamespaceUtils;
import raft.jpct.bones.SkinClip;
* Created by Dougie on 6/21/16.
public class GPUAnimated3D extends Animated3D implements IRenderHook {
public GPUAnimated3D(Animated3D object) {
public void animateSkin(float index, int sequence) {
if(getSkinClipSequence() != null) {
if(sequence == 0) {
BonesNamespaceUtils.animate(this, index*getSkinClipSequence().getTime(), getSkeletonPose());
} else {
SkinClip clip = getSkinClipSequence().getClip(sequence - 1);
clip.applyTo(index * clip.getTime(), getSkeletonPose());
public void animatePose(float index, int sequence, float weight) {
BonesNamespaceUtils.animatePoseDontApply(this, index, sequence, weight);
public void beforeRendering(int i) { ; }
public void afterRendering(int i) { ; }
public void setCurrentObject3D(Object3D object3D) { ; }
public void setCurrentShader(GLSLShader glslShader) {
if(glslShader!=null && glslShader instanceof GPUAnimated3DShader) {
public void setTransparency(float v) { ; }
public void onDispose() { ; }
public boolean repeatRendering() { return false; }
package yournamespacegoeshere;
import android.opengl.GLES20;
import com.threed.jpct.GLSLShader;
import com.threed.jpct.Matrix;
import raft.jpct.bones.Animated3D;
import raft.jpct.bones.BonesNamespaceUtils;
* Created by Dougie on 6/21/16.
public class GPUAnimated3DShader extends GLSLShader {
int skinWeightsHandle = -1;
int jointIndicesHandle = -1;
public GPUAnimated3DShader(String vertexShaderSource, String fragmentShaderSource) {
super(vertexShaderSource, fragmentShaderSource);
skinWeightsHandle = GLES20.glGetAttribLocation(getProgram(), BonesNamespaceUtils.ATTR_SKIN_WEIGHTS);
jointIndicesHandle = GLES20.glGetAttribLocation(getProgram(), BonesNamespaceUtils.ATTR_JOINT_INDICES);
public void updateBeforeRenderingObject(Animated3D pObject) {
if(pObject!=null) {
Matrix[] skelPose = BonesNamespaceUtils.getSkeletonPosePallete(pObject.getSkeletonPose());
if(skelPose!=null && skelPose.length>0) {
setUniform(BonesNamespaceUtils.UNIFORM_SKEL_POSE_SIZE, skelPose.length);
setUniform(BonesNamespaceUtils.UNIFORM_SKEL_POSE, skelPose);
} else {
setUniform(BonesNamespaceUtils.UNIFORM_SKEL_POSE_SIZE, 0);
package com.threed.jpct;
* Created by Dougie on 6/18/16.
public class JPCTNamespaceUtils {
public static boolean VertexAttributesNameIs(VertexAttributes pVertAttrs, String pName) {
if(pVertAttrs!=null && pName!=null && pVertAttrs.name!=null && pVertAttrs.name.equals(pName))
return true;
return false;
package raft.jpct.bones;
import com.threed.jpct.Matrix;
import com.threed.jpct.JPCTNamespaceUtils;
import com.threed.jpct.VertexAttributes;
* Created by Dougie on 6/17/16.
public class BonesNamespaceUtils {
public static String ATTR_SKIN_WEIGHTS = "skinWeights";
public static String ATTR_JOINT_INDICES = "jointIndices";
public static String UNIFORM_SKEL_POSE = "skelPose";
public static String UNIFORM_SKEL_POSE_SIZE = "skelPoseSize";
public static void animate(Animated3D pAnimated3D, float pTime, SkeletonPose pPose) {
if(pAnimated3D!=null && pAnimated3D.getSkinClipSequence()!=null) {
pAnimated3D.getSkinClipSequence().animate(pTime, pPose);
public static void animatePoseDontApply(Animated3D pAnimated3D, float index, int sequence, float weight) {
if(pAnimated3D!=null) {
pAnimated3D.animatePoseDontApply(index, sequence, weight);
public static Matrix[] getSkeletonPosePallete(SkeletonPose pPose) {
if(pPose!=null) {
return pPose.palette;
return null;
public static void setSkinAttributes(Animated3D pAnimated3D) {
int i, j, k, len;
if(pAnimated3D != null && pAnimated3D.getMesh()!=null) {
boolean hasWeights = false, hasJointIndices = false;
VertexAttributes[] vertAttrs = pAnimated3D.getMesh().getVertexAttributes();
if(vertAttrs!=null) {
//Loop backwards as they should be the last added ones if shared mesh
for(i=vertAttrs.length-1;i>=0;--i) {
if(JPCTNamespaceUtils.VertexAttributesNameIs(vertAttrs[i], ATTR_SKIN_WEIGHTS)) {
hasWeights = true;
if(JPCTNamespaceUtils.VertexAttributesNameIs(vertAttrs[i], ATTR_JOINT_INDICES)) {
hasJointIndices = true;
if(hasWeights && hasJointIndices) {
if(!hasWeights) {
float[][] weights = pAnimated3D.skin.weights;
if(weights != null && weights.length > 0) {
len = weights[0].length;
float[] weightsArr = new float[pAnimated3D.getMesh().getUniqueVertexCount() * len];
for (j = 0; j < weights.length; ++j) {
for (k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
weightsArr[j * len + k] = weights[j][k];
if (weights.length < pAnimated3D.getMesh().getUniqueVertexCount()) {
for (j = weights.length; j < pAnimated3D.getMesh().getUniqueVertexCount(); ++j) {
for (k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
weightsArr[j * len + k] = 0f;
pAnimated3D.getMesh().addVertexAttributes(new VertexAttributes(ATTR_SKIN_WEIGHTS, weightsArr, len));
if(!hasJointIndices) {
short[][] jointIndices = pAnimated3D.skin.jointIndices;
if (jointIndices != null && jointIndices.length > 0) {
len = jointIndices[0].length;
float[] jointIndicesArr = new float[pAnimated3D.getMesh().getUniqueVertexCount() * len];
for (j = 0; j < jointIndices.length; ++j) {
for (k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
jointIndicesArr[j * len + k] = jointIndices[j][k];
if (jointIndices.length < pAnimated3D.getMesh().getUniqueVertexCount()) {
for (j = jointIndices.length; j < pAnimated3D.getMesh().getUniqueVertexCount(); ++j) {
for (k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
jointIndicesArr[j * len + k] = 0f;
pAnimated3D.getMesh().addVertexAttributes(new VertexAttributes(ATTR_JOINT_INDICES, jointIndicesArr, len));
uniform mat4 modelViewProjectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 skelPose[50];
uniform int skelPoseSize;
attribute vec4 position;
attribute vec3 normal;
attribute vec4 skinWeights;
attribute vec4 jointIndices;
void main(void)
vec4 newPosition = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0, position[3]);
vec3 newNormal = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);
if(skelPoseSize>0) {
float weight;
for(int j=0; j<4; ++j) {
weight = skinWeights[j];
//newPosition[j] += weight;
if(weight != 0.0) {
mat4 boneMat = skelPose[int(floor(jointIndices[j]+0.5))];
newPosition.xyz += vec3(position.x*boneMat[0][0] + position.y*boneMat[1][0] + position.z*boneMat[2][0] + boneMat[3][0],
position.x*boneMat[0][1] + position.y*boneMat[1][1] + position.z*boneMat[2][1] + boneMat[3][1],
position.x*boneMat[0][2] + position.y*boneMat[1][2] + position.z*boneMat[2][2] + boneMat[3][2])*weight;
newNormal += vec3(normal.x*boneMat[0][0] + normal.y*boneMat[1][0] + normal.z*boneMat[2][0],
normal.x*boneMat[0][1] + normal.y*boneMat[1][1] + normal.z*boneMat[2][1],
normal.x*boneMat[0][2] + normal.y*boneMat[1][2] + normal.z*boneMat[2][2])*weight;
newPosition.yz *= -1.0;
newNormal.yz *= -1.0;
} else {
newPosition = position;
newNormal = normal;
gl_Position = modelViewProjectionMatrix * newPosition;
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