Thank You for advice.
Now I understand " thread safe" rules. I have something wrong in code. I have moved "thread code" to onDrawFrame in GLSurfaceView.Renderer and unfortunatelly effect is the same.
Anyway I changed my mind and I dont' want to create and rotate dummy object, because i figured out that I can't add rigidbody as a child to dummy object.
So I'll try my rigidbody go forward with setLinearVelocity, and somehow turn left each 100ms (for example). But applyTorqueImpulse does not change rigidbody move direction.
Now I understand " thread safe" rules. I have something wrong in code. I have moved "thread code" to onDrawFrame in GLSurfaceView.Renderer and unfortunatelly effect is the same.
Anyway I changed my mind and I dont' want to create and rotate dummy object, because i figured out that I can't add rigidbody as a child to dummy object.
So I'll try my rigidbody go forward with setLinearVelocity, and somehow turn left each 100ms (for example). But applyTorqueImpulse does not change rigidbody move direction.