Ah, ok, I see, thanks for clearing that out
Yeah, I've also come across those aswell, but from what I've tried, a shader based solution that draws lines on the front facing triangles will give me the same problem when looking on the object from the side anyway. But now since we're talking about shaders; have you ever done any cross section shaders like described here https://codeburst.io/unity-cross-section-shader-using-shader-graph-31c3fed0fa4f (for unity but anyway). I'm thinking that if I have my surface duplicated in two layers (one straight under the other) but the same object, and then fill the area between the surfaces with some solid color in a shader it might give me the result I'm looking for. I have no clue of how to set that up though..
Yeah, I've also come across those aswell, but from what I've tried, a shader based solution that draws lines on the front facing triangles will give me the same problem when looking on the object from the side anyway. But now since we're talking about shaders; have you ever done any cross section shaders like described here https://codeburst.io/unity-cross-section-shader-using-shader-graph-31c3fed0fa4f (for unity but anyway). I'm thinking that if I have my surface duplicated in two layers (one straight under the other) but the same object, and then fill the area between the surfaces with some solid color in a shader it might give me the result I'm looking for. I have no clue of how to set that up though..