jPCT - a 3d engine for Java > Bugs

Billboarding ignores parent rotations

<< < (2/5) > >>

That damn Config setting is never used in jPCT!!?? I must have eliminated the fix and its code somewhere on the strange is that!? I'll look into it...

Ok...the backup from december '07 contained the code in question, the one from january '08 was missing it...strange. Anyway, I've uploaded a jar that should fix the missing fix:
Please try that one and tell me if it fixes your problem. If it does, i'll silently update the release version of 1.17 with that fix.

That corrected the problem, thanks!  Makes things a lot easier than the ugly work-around I was using!

Here is a working example of a child Object3D with billboarding enabled: (it was going to be my test-case :D)

Billboarding Child Example  (Source code)

On second thought, there is still a problem.  Now rotating the object works, but orbiting the camera doesn't.  In the above applet, mouse rotates the object, and arrow keys orbit the camera.  The latter results in the object not billboarding (basically the opposite from before).

Oh, and I am also using the new camera.setOrientation() method to turn the camera, although that shouldn't affect the billboarding (it should only be affected by setPosition()).

I've updated the jar that i've linked to in the above post. I seems to work fine now with my test case, but i have lost track of my calculations i'm not sure about all this. Please give it a try and tell me if it helps.


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