jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Support

Moving an Object3D to another smoothly.

<< < (3/5) > >>

Camera.getPosition()... ???

^^Sorry I forgot to inherit Camera
That's why I wasn't seeing the method.

I've another problem, I'm using camera.getDirection()

But even if I move the camera with camera.rotateCameraX/Y/Z
getDirection still continue to give me the direction of the backbuffer and not the actual poiting camera direction.

Is there a way to solve this ?

I shot projectiles from the camera position and direction that's why I need this.

[edit] I'm using rotateCamera  not rotate.

Which backbuffer? The Camera in AE isn't buffered like in desktop jPCT, so you should be getting the current direction... ???

No sadly I'm not,

There's rotateCameraY(Rotates the camera around the y-axis.)  and rotateY wich(Rotates the backbuffer matrix around the y-axis.)

I'm using rotateCameraY

and when I do a getDirection I get the direction that the camera what initially pointing, not the current direction.


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