jPCT - a 3d engine for Java > Support

3ds max tips

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Wait, hold up!  That would make the object's front facing in the -z direction.  What I had originally is correct, isn't it?

yes, yours was right, this is just simpler.


--- Quote from: raft on March 06, 2009, 04:28:53 pm ---yes, yours was right, this is just simpler.

--- End quote ---
Sorry, what I meant to say is that a rotation of +pi/2 around x followed by a rotation of +pi around z is not equivalent to a rotation of -pi/2 around x, as you can see in my skillfully drawn diagram here:

So you would want to use the two rotations I mentioned in my original post rather than your simpler method, so that the loaded model/scene will be oriented the same in jPCT as it was in Max.

ehm, you are right. i just used to make a single rotation and face the front of model in karga. since everything is rotated that way, i didnt realized the difference ::)

My objects from 3ds are coming upside down. I tried adding a box and aligning it to center then attaching and deleting. Im guessing this is cause of the coordinate system. Is this the same for everyone, do you just rotate your models before exporting them?


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