jPCT - a 3d engine for Java > Bugs

Bad lighting when object has more than one texture



Lights works only on one texture, not on all when object has more of them.

For example, when i use UV texture as first one and  ENV texture as second, only ENV is lighten.

see attached screenshots:

1. Two the same objects. One with UV+ENV and secound with UV only, very neer of the light source (light position is camera position)

2. The same situation but both objects are far away of the light. UV texture of the first object has been not changed, ENV texture disapeard. Secound object is black (too far of the light).

The effect is bad because objects placed away of the light source are still bright.

Yes, you are right but it's not a bug. Maybe this (part of the) thread makes it clearer why it looks like to does:,853.msg5377.html#msg5377


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