jPCT - a 3d engine for Java > Bugs

Bug in .OBJ format with Colors (v1.15)

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Hi, I've a problem loading the following .OBJ file:

In this .mtl there is only color information, no texture image. The colors doesn't look right: It should be a blue jacket, but in JPCT it looks a little bit different (more like a teenage rap star, the jacket is white / blue / golden). This is the first time I load a .OBJ from Poser with plain color textures. I can import this file in Milkshape with correct colors so I think it's a JPCT Bug (or a Bug in the .OBJ format that JPCT has no workaround for ;-)

Best Regards

It's a bug in jPCT's loader. Or to put it in other words: The OBJ-format stinks so much IMHO, that it makes me feel sick. Why on earth can everything be located everywhere in the file? There seems to be no rule for that except that there is none...anyway, i'll fix this.

Ok, please try this:

It works, thank you very much for this super fast reply  :)

I'm sorry that we have to use this strange format, but after all it's working best with poser. Ok, poser itself could be considered a bug ;-)

Just one more question, a missing feature: Poser seems to use a .tiff and additional color information for it's textures. The texture is overlaid with some color. JPCT seems to ignore the color information if a bitmap is present. An example from the .mtl-file:

newmtl jacket
Ns 30
Ka 0 0 0
Kd 0.317647 0.317647 0.317647
Ks 0.00784314 0.00784314 0.00784314
map_Kd Biz Man Texture.tif

Would it be a problem to add support for this in JPCT?


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