3d question

Started by Eyleath, December 01, 2005, 01:49:26 PM

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Hello hello, i did come here a few time ago but it took us time to make our project working nearly well...
I have a question about the fps demo that we can find on the web site, did you do the 3d? how did you link in your 3d software the texture with the object. Because you just add the folder with the texture but after, jpct knows which texture to take for any object...how.. :)

Thx for your answer, sorry if it's a bit messy, as soon as we got screenshot we'll share don't worry :)


Quote from: "Eyleath"
I have a question about the fps demo that we can find on the web site, did you do the 3d? how did you link in your 3d software the texture with the object. Because you just add the folder with the texture but after, jpct knows which texture to take for any object...how.. :)
The textures each have a name in the 3DS file. When loading the file, jPCT is looking for a texture with that name in the TextureManager and assigns this to the polygon in question. If it can't find the name, it creates a new (plain white) one with that name that can be replaced later. When loading the 3DS in jPCT, you should see the textures' names in the log messages.


When designing the 3D map you place the texturw inside the modeling software like Lightwave, 3D Studio MAX, Strata or any other.

The format .3DS already have enough information to let jpct where should it place the texture.

The map used in the fps demo is a map from Quake 3.
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