Author Topic: Decisions and, more decisions...  (Read 2021 times)

Offline Trasd

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Decisions and, more decisions...
« on: November 17, 2013, 06:32:16 pm »
I have been struggling for months trying to find the right Android 3D Game development system.  I had pretty much decided on JME, but after some testing and further research, I've discovered JME isn't necessarily the best Android performer.  I would also prefer to not use a scripting engine.

Though I have over 30 years of PC programming experience in C/C++ and Assembly, I do not know the first thing about game programming and am only just finishing my (Android) Java education.  I am completely self-taught in anything to do with computers.  Don't worry, I am not writing for technical advice, these forums cover those topics pretty well.  What I am looking for is some guidance!

First, before I ask my questions, I would like to make a few things clear:
  • I am more worried about performance, quality, and stability than getting a product out the door as fast as possible
  • I do understand jPCT is a 3D engine, not necessarily a game engine (translation, I would still have a lot of work to do in writing a game)
  • I am not worried about porting to any other OS (though if possible, I did want to keep that option open)
  • I am not scared to learn new concepts (there are plenty of free game theory books available)
  • I am not afraid of a coding challenge
  • I plan on writing, mostly, 3D RPGs (Oblivion, Ravensword, etc.)
  • I want as much control as possible (given my other statements)
  • I only want to use free tools, or write my own that are not available for free

To me (and remember, I am completely uninitiated) it looks like jPCT is an API that handles the nitty griddy details of 3D programming: collisions, model rendering, etc., something, by the way, I do NOT want to write myself.  Also, jPCT, from my understanding, does not offer anything as high-level as scene render software - that would be completely up to me.

Finally, here are my questions:
  • Given what I've described above, is jPCT a good fit for my needs or should I stick with a game engine like JME?
  • Am I missing any vital (but basic) concepts needed to make a decision?
  • Any general game programming advice?

I have read again and again that picking the right tools from the start is very important.  Like I stated above, I don't mind putting in the time and effort needed to learn what I need to, but even so, I don't want to waste that time and effort.

For anyone who has read all this and decided to help me out, thanks in advance!
« Last Edit: November 17, 2013, 06:57:32 pm by Trasd »
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Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: Decisions and, more decisions...
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2013, 08:54:32 pm »
Also, jPCT, from my understanding, does not offer anything as high-level as scene render software - that would be completely up to me.
jPCT is a game oriented 3d engine. It does offer support for scene management, octrees and stuff so it's not just a simple 3d model renderer. What i usually mean with "it's not a game engine", is that it doesn't provide a game framework like a common base class/structure or APIs for game logic like timing and game loops and stuff like that. It's up to you to implement this in the way you like. jPCT doesn't force you into a specific way of thinking about your game or your code's structure.

Given what I've described above, is jPCT a good fit for my needs or should I stick with a game engine like JME?
I'm not going to play devil's advocat here... ;) jPCT-AE is the more popular 3d solution for Android by far when compared to JME and i guess that there is a reason for it. It has been optimized for Android. It's not just a new renderer on top of a desktop API.

Am I missing any vital (but basic) concepts needed to make a decision?
I don't think so. After months of trying you should be able to judge for yourself and it's about time to do so and start coding... ;)

Any general game programming advice?
Start small! Game programming is different from "normal" applications. It's harder in some ways and easier in others, but it's definitely different. If you start small, you should be able to get the basic ideas fast and learn to avoid the pitfalls. If you start big, you are most likely doomed...

One final word about the RPG/Oblivion-idea: You'll find some videos of my own work on my youtube channel:

Offline Trasd

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Re: Decisions and, more decisions...
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2013, 11:23:34 pm »
Quote from: EgonOlsen
I don't think so. After months of trying you should be able to judge for yourself and it's about time to do so and start coding... ;)
LOL!  OK, I should have said off and on for a few months!  It is hard to decide on an engine with no experience what so ever in game programming.  Plus, there are so many different opinions out there and so many old postings, it's confusing; it's a lot to sift through when I don't know exactly what I am looking for.  But, when I found jPCT, it looked like the right fit.  I will check out the development cycle and probably start next week, but I don't expect anything marketable for a year or two.

Quote from: EgonOlsen
Start small! Game programming is different from "normal" applications. It's harder in some ways and easier in others, but it's definitely different. If you start small, you should be able to get the basic ideas fast and learn to avoid the pitfalls. If you start big, you are most likely doomed...
Oh yea, I already have a small project in mind, though I doubt it would interest too many others.  It's just a little app and a stab at the overabundant IAP monsters.

Quote from: EgonOlsen
One final word about the RPG/Oblivion-idea: You'll find some videos of my own work on my youtube channel:
Thanks, I will definitely take a look at those.

You actually answered my questions, basically.  Also, since you were so quick to answer and the author himself, I know you are involved with your project.

I think my decision is now made; I will go with jPCT.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.