Class Summary |
Animation |
Animation provides a keyframe animation implementation. |
AWTGLRenderer |
This is the renderer to support hardware acceleration via OpenGL into a
Canvas using the LWJGL.
BufferedMatrix |
A BufferedMatrix is a kind of double buffered Matrix. |
Camera |
The Camera represents the position and direction of the camera/viewer in the
current scene. |
CollisionEvent |
A collision event is caused by a collision of either the camera or an object
with another object. |
Config |
Config is used for configuring the engine. |
DeSerializer |
A class that allows for serialization and deserialization of Object3Ds in a
compacted format that loads very fast. |
FrameBuffer |
The FrameBuffer class provides a buffer into which jPCT renders the scene.
GenericVertexController |
The GenericVertexController provides an abstract class that implements large
portions of the IVertexController interface. |
GLRenderer |
This is the renderer to support hardware acceleration via OpenGL using the LWJGL. |
GLSLShader |
A simple helper class for GLSL-based shaders. |
Interact2D |
Interact2D offers some static methods for interacting with objects in
camera-space. |
JOGLRenderer |
A JOGL based variant of the AWTGLRenderer. |
LegacyRenderer |
This renderer was the default renderer in older versions. |
Lights |
Manages the dynamic lights in a scene. |
Loader |
Loader offers some static methods for loading files. |
Logger |
Logger is jPCT's simple logging class for printing and storing messages,
errors and warnings. |
Matrix |
This is jPCT's basic class for working with 4x4 matrices. |
Mesh |
In a Mesh, jPCT stores the actual vertex and triangle information for an
object. |
Object3D |
Object3D is a class for 3-dimensional objects. |
OcTree |
This is a basic octree implementation. |
Plane |
A simple class to represent a plane. jPCT is using this for collision
detection. |
PolygonManager |
A PolygonManager is part of each Object3D and can be obtained from that
object. |
Polyline |
A Polyline is a line strip in world space. |
Portals |
Portals handles the sectors and portals used for portal rendering. |
Primitives |
Primitives offers some (lathe) primitives (basic 3D-objects). |
Projector |
Projector is an extended Camera used for projecting textures into the scene. |
RGBColor |
Mimics the Color-class in java.awt just like jPCT-AE does it. |
SimpleVector |
SimpleVector is a class that represents a basic three-dimensional vector.
SoftGLRenderer |
Texture |
A Texture in jPCT is a bitmap with a width/height of 2^x and a color-depth of
24 bpp. |
TextureInfo |
TextureInfo is jPCT's key to multi texturing. |
TextureManager |
The TextureManager is a singleton for storing and retrieving textures. |
VertexAttributes |
This class can be used to assign additional vertex attributes to meshes. |
VideoMode |
A VideoMode represents a display mode that a device can handle. |
VisList |
WaterTextureEffect |
An effect that renders ripples into a texture. |
World |
The World class is the most important class in jPCT. |
WorldProcessor |
A WorldProcessor does some object processing for the World. |