Package com.threed.jpct

Interface Summary
CollisionListener Implement this interface and assign instances of your class to Object3Ds to receive collision events in case of collisions.
IPaintListener An IPaintListener can be attached to any IRenderer (via the FrameBuffer, because the actual IRenderer instances are not accessible) and will be notified before the actual painting of polygons starts and after it has finished.
IPostProcessor An interface for defining a post processor that can be run on the framebuffer.
IRenderer jPCT supports different renderers in different modes.
IRenderHook Provides a hook into the rendering pipeline of compiled Object3Ds.
ITextureEffect An interface for texture effects.
IVertexController This interface defines a VertexController.

Class Summary
Animation Animation provides a keyframe animation implementation.
AWTGLRenderer This is the renderer to support hardware acceleration via OpenGL into a Canvas using the LWJGL.
BufferedMatrix A BufferedMatrix is a kind of double buffered Matrix.
Camera The Camera represents the position and direction of the camera/viewer in the current scene.
CollisionEvent A collision event is caused by a collision of either the camera or an object with another object.
Config Config is used for configuring the engine.
DeSerializer A class that allows for serialization and deserialization of Object3Ds in a compacted format that loads very fast.
FrameBuffer The FrameBuffer class provides a buffer into which jPCT renders the scene.
GenericVertexController The GenericVertexController provides an abstract class that implements large portions of the IVertexController interface.
GLRenderer This is the renderer to support hardware acceleration via OpenGL using the LWJGL.
GLSLShader A simple helper class for GLSL-based shaders.
Interact2D Interact2D offers some static methods for interacting with objects in camera-space.
JOGLRenderer A JOGL based variant of the AWTGLRenderer.
LegacyRenderer This renderer was the default renderer in older versions.
Lights Manages the dynamic lights in a scene.
Loader Loader offers some static methods for loading files.
Logger Logger is jPCT's simple logging class for printing and storing messages, errors and warnings.
Matrix This is jPCT's basic class for working with 4x4 matrices.
Mesh In a Mesh, jPCT stores the actual vertex and triangle information for an object.
Object3D Object3D is a class for 3-dimensional objects.
OcTree This is a basic octree implementation.
Plane A simple class to represent a plane. jPCT is using this for collision detection.
PolygonManager A PolygonManager is part of each Object3D and can be obtained from that object.
Polyline A Polyline is a line strip in world space.
Portals Portals handles the sectors and portals used for portal rendering.
Primitives Primitives offers some (lathe) primitives (basic 3D-objects).
Projector Projector is an extended Camera used for projecting textures into the scene.
RGBColor Mimics the Color-class in java.awt just like jPCT-AE does it.
SimpleVector SimpleVector is a class that represents a basic three-dimensional vector.
Texture A Texture in jPCT is a bitmap with a width/height of 2^x and a color-depth of 24 bpp.
TextureInfo TextureInfo is jPCT's key to multi texturing.
TextureManager The TextureManager is a singleton for storing and retrieving textures.
VertexAttributes This class can be used to assign additional vertex attributes to meshes.
VideoMode A VideoMode represents a display mode that a device can handle.
WaterTextureEffect An effect that renders ripples into a texture.
World The World class is the most important class in jPCT.
WorldProcessor A WorldProcessor does some object processing for the World.